Germany: New German government expected in early December

by time news

The coalition is difficult and with discussions. But in early December Germany will receive a new government.

This is how the leaders of the two parties (FDP and SPD), members of the coalition, comment on the course of the closed negotiations. And although the Greens recently questioned the timely completion of the negotiations, they believe that Plan B is unnecessary and that saving the coalition is also not worth it. And the disappointment of the Greens, as well as of other negotiators, is a common practice in negotiations. This is how the leaders of the parties assess the process of creating a coalition. And they say that soon all the political “shake-down” will be completed. The new German government will be voted for in the near future.

SPD secretary general Lars Klingbeil expects the new coalition government to begin work in early December. Klingbeil, commenting on the situation in the negotiations of the members of the future coalition, said that he was optimistic about the previously announced date – December 4. On this day, he believes, it will be possible to vote for the composition of the government and approve a coalition government headed by Chancellor Olaf Scholz. What is needed now is a government capable of acting quickly, the SPD leader believes. And he says that it is critically important to swear in new ministers and start the work of the Cabinet before the Christmas holidays.

Klingbeil said he does not see these claims as a problem. “I would be the first to think about Plan B. If I had a feeling that he was needed. But now I am really having productive discussions and consultations with the coalition partners. I am very optimistic that our coalition will become a reality, ”the SPD leader said. Klingbeil expressed understanding when the current negotiations have caused frustration among the Greens. As the leader of the Social Democrats noted, it is perfectly normal for everyone to fight for what they want to see in the coalition agreement. But expectations do not always coincide 100% with real possibilities. And this is the case for all members of the coalition, which is being built on mutual concessions.

FDP leader Christian Lindner also signaled that he is adhering to an agreed timetable for coalition formation. “The FDP can contribute to the timely clarification of all controversial issues,” he said, commenting on the course of the negotiations.

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