Elections 2022 – Mandates survey: Will Shaked’s retirement change the image of the blocs?

by time news

2022 election: In a survey conducted by ‘Hadhot Kaan 11’ it appears that if the elections were held today (Tuesday) with the participation of the current parties, the picture of the mandates would look like this: Likud with 32 mandates followed by Yesh Atid with 24 mandates.

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The religious Zionism of Smotrich and Ben Gvir receives 13 mandates, on the other hand Gantz and the state camp with 12 mandates. Shas with eight mandates, Torah Judaism with seven. It also appears that Yisrael Beitenu received six mandates, Labor five mandates, and Meretz, Hadash-Ta’al and Ra’am with four mandates. The Jewish Home and Balad do not pass the threshold. The bloc led by Netanyahu received 60 mandates and the bloc led by Lapid received 56 mandates.

Also, in another poll published in Hachot 12, it appears that the Likud with 32 seats, Yes Atid gets 24 seats, religious Zionism gets 13 seats, and the state camp with 12 seats. Shas with eight mandates, Torah Judaism with seven. It also appears that Labor and Yisrael Beitenu receive six mandates, and at the bottom of Meretz, Hadash-Ta’al and Ra’am with four mandates. The Jewish Home and Balad do not pass the blocking percentage and received 2.0% and 1.6% respectively. In the picture of the blocs, 59 for the bloc led by Netanyahu and 57 for the bloc led by Lapid.

On the question of the compatibility between the current Prime Minister Yair Lapid and the previous Prime Minister Netanyahu – 47% think that Netanyahu is more suitable to serve as Prime Minister compared to 31% who think that Lapid is more suitable. On the question of compatibility between Netanyahu and Defense Minister Gantz, opposition leader Kavil 46% compared to 25% for Gantz.

Also, the survey examined a case in which the Jewish Home led by Ayelet Shaked will withdraw from the elections, and it became clear that there is no change in the image of the blocs and the mandates of the parties that have passed the blocking percentage.

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