which refineries and depots are affected by the strike?

by time news
According to the latest information provided by TotalEnergies, the Normandy refinery is shut down, like the Mède. STEPHANE MAHE / REUTERS

INFOGRAPHICS – Four of the seven refineries in France are on strike. The movement ended this Thursday, on that of Fos-sur-Mer. Le Figaro make the point.

Four of the seven refineries in operation in France are on strike this Thursday. The strike movement ended on Thursday at the Fos-sur-Mer refinery of Esso-ExxonMobil. Those of Lavéra (Petroineos group) are not blocked and the Feyzin refinery is affected only on its depot part.

For its part, the Grandpuits refinery (Total) is not taken into account since it is currently closed, due to transformation into a biorefinery. There is one last French refinery, Société anonyme de la raffinerie des Antilles (SARA), in Martinique, which is not affected by the movement. Where are these refineries located? What are the main French oil depots? Who are affected by the strike movement? Le Figaro make the point.

On the side of TotalEnergies: «The movement is renewed everywhere, with always very high rates of strikers“, declared Thierry Defresne, CGT secretary of the TotalEnergies Europe committee, this Thursday. Namely, the Normandy refinery, the Donges refinery, the Mède biorefinery, the Feyzin depot and the Flandres depot. Each refinery has within it a depot, ie fuel storage areas.

According to the latest information provided by the energy company, the Normandy refinery is shut down, like the Mède. The Feyzin refinery is shut down due to a technical problem, but its depot is blocked due to the strike movement. The Donges refinery is operating in slow motion. Fuel trucks left the Flandres depot, near Dunkirk (North), shortly after 4:00 p.m. Thursday, the first in more than two weeks, after a requisition order forcing striking employees to come to work, noted a journalist from the AFP.

With respect to Esso-ExxonMobil, the strike movement ended at the Fos-sur-Mer refinery (Bouches-du-Rhône) at 1 p.m. “After consultation with the striking staff, it was decided that the social movement would stop in Fos-sur-Mer on Thursday October 13 at 1 p.m.“, indicated the CGT, this Thursday, in a press release, before specifying that “normal operation of the refinery will resume at our own pace».

Regarding the restart of the site, affected by this strike movement since September 21, the management of Esso-ExxonMobil remains cautious about the time required: “There are stocks that are available. They will have to be made available. For the production part, it will take several days».

On the second refinery of the energy company, namely that of Gravenchon-Port-Jérôme (Seine-Maritime), the movement continues. ” The continuation of the movement was voted at 2 p.m. “, specifies to the Figaro, Christophe Aubert, CGT central trade union representative. Within the depot, the requisitioning of personnel has begun. Two employees were affected this Wednesday, and two will be this Thursday, according to the Ministry of Energy Transition.

SEE ALSO – Shortage of fuel: the impressive queue at the petrol station at Porte d’Ivry

Around 4 p.m. Wednesday, the first requisition took place with a striking employee of the Port-Jérôme refinery. A bailiff surrounded by staff representatives issued a letter of requisition to the employee who went to his post calmly, specifying the Figaro la direction d’Esso-ExxonMobil. “The operator is doing what is necessary to ensure that the distribution of fuel from the depot is done”, the company said. Objective: to allow the depot to operate again, in order to supply the pipeline supplying Île-de-France.

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