The injured: “I felt like I got punched” • His father: “We survived by miracles”

by time news

Terrorists opened fire on Saturday night at the settlement of Beit El near Ramallah, and hit Yonatan Nizari, about 25 years old, while he was sitting in a sukkah in the yard of his house.

Fighters of the 890th paratrooper battalion identified the terrorist squad and eliminated one of them. The second terrorist escaped with the weapon and was captured this morning by the soldiers of the YOS Marine Corps and soldiers of the 890th Battalion in the Palestinian village of Deir Jarir in the Ramallah area.

Weapons, uniforms and propaganda materials were found in the home of the 19-year-old terrorist.

From a preliminary investigation, it appears that after the attack, the terrorist fled to the village with the help of a getaway vehicle in which he was assisted.

Yonatan, who was injured in the shooting attack, recounted in an interview here with the news the moments of horror during the Shabbat meal: “We were sitting at the holiday table, me, my wife and the child. We sang and in one moment everything turned into a black atmosphere. We heard gunshots, we are used to it. Two seconds passed and I felt as if someone punched me in the jaw, I saw vaguely. I got up and brought my wife and child into the house. My wife asked what happened and I saw that I was already covered in blood.”

David Nazri, the father of the injured young man, recounted in a conversation with Israel Hayom what happened in the family’s sukkah on Shabbat evening: “We were sitting in the sukkah, a regular Shabbat meal like all the people of Israel, and suddenly we heard a bunch of shots. We are used to hearing gunshots, but this time it was very close and loud. Suddenly my son bent his head and shouted ‘Aya’. He realized he had grabbed something.

“He didn’t lose his temper, bent his and his wife’s head and shouted for us to get out immediately. Outside we looked at what happened, and thought at first that it was a superficial injury. He took a shrapnel or a bullet, it’s not clear what, in his cheek, and another shrapnel in his shoulder. It was a huge miracle, because three bullets hit his chair in the sukkah. The fragment is still in the cheek, it is very close to the nerve, so they decided to wait a few days to see what would happen. We were saved by miracles.”

Nazri says that the feelings among the family are very difficult: “What is amazing is that there was an ambush of paratroopers with observers for two weeks observing this squad. They saw them get out of the vehicle, saw the weapons on them and did not receive permission to shoot. Only after they opened fire, the fighters fired three bullets at them and took down the terrorist. The other terrorist who was with him took the weapon and entered the car, but they did not shoot him because they did not receive permission to shoot. This worries me a lot.

“Everyone shuts up and shuts up, it’s something that keeps coming back. They built walls and towers here, putting us in ghettos while the terrorists sit in a free free space and commit disorder. The residents live in ghettos. Feelings are very complex. The instructions given to the soldiers bind them, and we feel it day and night. The Arabs raise their heads and feel like the owners of the house while tying the hands of the IDF soldiers. There was a miracle here, but why wait for miracles?”

Despite what happened, David slept last night in the sukkah and he intends to sleep in it tonight as well. “I will put the Israeli flag on the sukkah and sleep in it. We are people of faith and know that God protects us, not the government.”

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