the strategy of the CGT is “incomprehensible”, judge Gabriel Attal

by time news

The Minister of Public Accounts sharply criticized the behavior of a minority which continues to penalize the daily life of millions of French people.

The pursuit of blockages is “unacceptable (…) even though majority agreements have been found to raise wages» launched the Minister of Public Accounts, Gabriel Attal, during the «big meeting» Europe1/CNews/Les Echos. While he reiterated his attachment to the right to strike, he was critical of the behavior of “a few trade unionists who sometimes give the impression of sitting on the interests of millions of French people“. In its sights, the CGT, which continues the social movement against all odds. A strategy he called “incomprehensible».

He also castigated all those, trade unionists and politicians, who call for a general strike. An attitude “irresponsible“, according to him. He did not hesitate to quote France Insoumise and the ecologist Sandrine Rousseau. In addition, he recalled that these shortages did not particularly affect the bourgeois who “travel by electric bicycle (…) It is rather the working classes who suffer».

In a few days, it will also be holidaymakers who will find themselves victims of these blockages. Gabriel Attal did not want to comment on a date for a return to normal, unlike Emmanuel Macron who announced Tuesday, October 11, on France 2 a return to normal “over the next weekat petrol stations. He nevertheless insisted on the improvement of the situation:In 24 hours, following strike requisitions, you have 9,000 m3 of fuel that have been able to leave the depots, it is the equivalent of 110,000 or 120,000 full tanks for French people. Gradually the fuel comes out of the depots and comes to supply the stations, it remains very complicated of course“, he advanced.

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