A branch agreement signed in the energy sector

by time news

The CGT, Force Ouvrière and the CFDT have succeeded in reaching an agreement within the framework of this branch agreement.

Three trade unions representing the energy sector – the CGT, FO and CFDT – have signed an agreement on wage increases in the electricity and gas industry branch (IEG), a first step before the opening of wage negotiations by companies .

This agreement provides for a general increase in the national basic salary of 3.3% in two stages, with a retroactivity of 1% on July 1, 2022 and the balance of 2.3% on January 1, 2023, Claude told AFP. Martin, negotiator of the branch agreement for the FNME-CGT, majority with 39.68%.

In the event that the increase does not guarantee a minimum floor of 1040 euros gross per year in 2023, an additional envelope is planned to ensure at least 80 euros per month for all, he added, a measure which will benefit low salaries. A “review clauseis further scheduled in July for “check the impact of inflation“, according to Claude Martin.

“A first step”

After consulting its members, the CFE-CGC refused to sign the agreement, judging “insufficient to cover inflation“and of nature”to create distortions to the detriment of the framework“, told AFP Alexandre Grillat, national secretary. “EDF is delighted with the signing of this agreement, which demonstrates the vigor of social dialogue within the IEGs“Commented to AFP a spokesman for the management.

This agreement is only a step, because it is now up to the unions in their companies to negotiate additional measures to compensate for inflation. “It’s a first step, because it’s been years since our index was frozen and there was no more branch agreement, but it’s not enough“, estimated Claude Martin.

While a strike movement started several weeks ago aims to put pressure on wage negotiations at EDF, the first bilateral meetings will begin on Wednesday between the unions and the management of the electrician, according to the group. The IEG branch had 157 companies as of December 31, 2021, including EDF, Engie, local gas and electricity distribution companies.

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