Lukashenka said he did not invite migrants to the border with the EU

by time news

President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko said in an interview with the BBC that he would not like migrants to travel to European countries through Belarusian territory. According to him, he did not invite them to the border.

“I didn’t invite them here. And to be honest, I don’t want them to travel through Belarus, ”said Mr Lukashenko. At the same time, he does not deny that someone from the Belarusian security forces could help refugees in crossing the border with the EU. “I think it is quite possible. We are Slavs. We have hearts. Our soldiers know that migrants are going to Germany. Maybe someone helped them. I will not even understand, ”said the President of Belarus.

The migration crisis worsened in November, when several thousand refugees accumulated on the border of Belarus and Poland, who want to enter the EU through Belarusian territory. This week, refugees have already tried several times to storm the Polish border, the military used water cannons and tear gas to disperse them. President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko asked the EU to create a humanitarian corridor for 2,000 migrants, Poland opposed. Russian President Vladimir Putin believes that Western countries are using the migration crisis to put pressure on Belarus.

Read about the development of the crisis in the publication of “Kommersant” “Iraqi migrants will be shown the way back.”


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