Gynecology: women, wake up! – Health priority

by time news
For a certain number of women, the gynecological consultation is a source of anxiety. Getty Images – fstop123

Refusal of the pill, denunciation of inappropriate remarks, fear of hormones, refusal of vaccines… On the internet, negative opinions and distrust of gynecologists are very present.

For a certain number of women, the gynecological consultation is a source of anguish, and the recent testimonies of patients who say they are victims of gynecological and obstetrical violence, even reflect a certain distrust of the profession. However, when you find the right practitioner and you are confident with him, speech is freed up more easily and the consultation becomes more serene.

How to choose a gynecologist? How can this crisis of confidence be explained? How to deal with fake news? Where can I find good information?

At the end of the program, we take stock of World COPD Day, which takes place on November 15. We talk about it with Philippe Poncet, president of theassociation BPCOwho suffers from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

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