Loans to households and businesses accelerate in February

by time news – In February loans to the private sector, adjusted to take into account securitisations and other loans sold and canceled from bank balance sheets, grew by 4.5 per cent over twelve months (4.3 in the previous month). Loans to households increased by 2.4 per cent over twelve months (2.2 in January), while loans to non-financial corporations increased by 7.6 per cent (7.3 in the previous month). It highlights it Bank of Italy in the publication ‘Banks and money: national series’.

Private sector deposits slow down

In the same month, private sector deposits grew by 11.3 per cent over twelve months (compared to 12.3 in January); bond funding decreased by 6.0 per cent on the same period of the previous year (-6.4 in January). Suffering has decreased 19.0 per cent over twelve months (in January the reduction was 19.3 per cent); the change may be affected by the effect of securitization transactions.

Mortgage rates rose slightly

Always in February, interest rates on loans disbursed to households during the month for house purchase, inclusive of ancillary expenses, stood at 1.65 per cent (1.61 in January), while those on new consumer credit disbursements at 8.11 per cent (8.03 in the previous month). Interest rates on new loans to non-financial corporations were 1.15 per cent (1.17 in January), those for amounts up to € 1 million were 1.83 per cent, while the rates on new loans exceeding this threshold stood at 0.69 per cent. The interest rates on all outstanding deposits amounted to 0.33 per cent (0.32 in the previous month).


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