After Ruslana: Leahy Griner decided to settle accounts with Scout Grant

by time news

A year after the filming of “Golstaria 3” by HOT, the festive launch of the new season was held last night (Monday) in Zappa Midtown Tel Aviv, starring the new Golstaria Tikva Gideon, Maya Buskila, Ruslana Rudina, Ortal Amar, Taylor Malkov, Member of Knesset Meirav Ben-Ari, Simcha Guetta, The footballers Sylvie Jean and Meital Dayan, Little Samadja, Tami Yehezkel andLihi Greener. Along with them came the mythical coaching staff Shia Feigenbaum And the sports journalist and commentator Golden faucet.

Others came to Pargan: Liran Danino – Taylor’s spouse, Mickey his name Who made a special donut for the new season, Ofira Asaig, Maya andGiovanni Russo, Uriel Tsabari, Eliraz Sadeh Who also participates as a guest of the season, Guy Hochman, Tal Musari, Tiltil And his wife, Shira Levy, Dean Miroshnikov And more. But what caught the full attention both before the start of filming and now with the resurgence of the quarrel, is the catfight between Ruslana Rudina and Lehi Griner. As you may recall, just before the filming for “Golstaria 3” Griner was exposed to the salary of her colleagues for the season and decided not to participate. She called Rudina and Amar: “Plaques that gave birth to childrenEyal Golan andBen El-TavoriGriner’s statement caused a great deal of controversy and it was decided by Hot to bring her as a guest this season.

Golstar stars (Photo: Or Geffen)

A few days ago, the girls’ group’s WhatsApp conversation with a heated quarrel between Rudina and Griner was leaked after the same subject was showered again. Rudina referred to Eyal Golan and wrote: “If it were not for me, Eyal would have ended his career” and hurried to delete the message, but the conversation was leaked before it was time.

Leahy, are you coming a little charged?
“Absolutely not. I’m having the most fun ever.”

You arrive for the launch in the shadow of the quarrel with Ruslana.
“No, I’m used to it. I forget very quickly. The next day who remembers? Everyone loves a drop of me but it’s okay. Everything’s fine, it’s nonsense.”

Did you say hello to her?
“I did not see her at all.”

Leah Griner (Photo: Or Geffen)Leah Griner (Photo: Or Geffen)

Did you apologize to her?
“About what? No. Enough, no. I’m tired of forgiveness. I can really say I wish I hadn’t reacted so quickly but I’m vengeful, I hate it.”

Ruslana, what annoyed you so much that you had to open it again?
“I did not open it again. There are things that can just drive me crazy and that’s all aboutJan, Who are suddenly thrown at Jan and Jan’s father. This is what he took out of the dishes and I reacted. After that Eyal and I responded and gave an orderly response. Beyond that? not interesting”.

Eyal Not a little angry about the comment you wrote and deleted?
“As you can see, there was a very nice response from him and we are in an excellent relationship. When there is a relationship that is good and we built it with confidence and we trust each other, no one who wanted to destroy – will succeed.”

Do you regret what you wrote about him in the WhatsApp group?
“I do not regret anything. I talked about the emotional thing he went through. He had a very hard time, he did not want to perform, he did not want to leave the house and I was there to support. I did not take his microphone and I said to him: ‘Come on you finished your career.’ Make conflicts at home – they failed. We are much stronger than that and know how to deal with it. The matter of the leak was unnecessary, because it was intended to do damage and they failed. We are a family in the end. We have an amazing child, we have an amazing relationship It’s over”.

Tikva Gideon, Ruslana Rudina, Ortal Amar (Photo: Or Geffen)Tikva Gideon, Ruslana Rudina, Ortal Amar (Photo: Or Geffen)

Do you know who the leak was?
“I wish, if I know, it was erased from me forever.”

Ortal, the quarrel between Ruslana and Lihia took a shower again and this time you chose not to take part.
“It’s not that I did not take part, I did react in the group. Just because it’s one of the only things not leaked does not mean I did not react. I said I was horrified by what she wrote. I do not like this style and talk. It does not fit, it does not matter, it “It’s not respectful, it’s very offensive and it does not belong to Ruslana to be spoken to like that. It does not define her at all, she did not do herself thanks to anyone.”

Maybe you leaked the call?
“Everyone thinks I did it. I was at my son’s birthday at all (note). I even opened the phone for Kreis, I did not understand what was going on. “

Ortal Amar (Photo: Or Geffen)Ortal Amar (Photo: Or Geffen)

Lehi How is it that you always produce fire?
“It’s not me. I can say that there are things that happen in celebrities in Israel that do not give it a stage. Like Shuli Rand and Scout Grant – why not talk about the ugly divorce in the country? They did not talk about it enough. What’s more than having a program that connects families and his children “With him? What are you doing? You have a program that connects families. There is something very, very big and you are dealing with something very small.”

You’re now producing another quarrel, this time with Scout Grant.
“After what she wrote about me in the Meron disaster I don’t deserve anything more and ‘stupidity’, I had respect for this woman and now I see the real face. I treat people the way they treat me. If you’re tactless, I’ll be tactless. You will go down to a low level, I will go down even lower. “

Scary to Leah.
“Yeah, I hate it. But people are just dying to mess with me. They know I have a short fuse.”

Why not go to an anger management workshop?
“I go, I take pills. I’m in my chill right now. It sucks, I hate it because I’m really a good person. Anyone who knows me – loves me. There’s no person who does not love me. I’m too good a person and that’s why “I have an emotion and I am in pain. People do not appreciate me enough and it is very frustrating.”

Ruslana you and Lehi completed them?
“I have nothing to complete. She’s not my girlfriend.”

If you see her here today, say hello to her?

Maya Buskila (Photo: Or Geffen)Maya Buskila (Photo: Or Geffen)
Taylor Malkov, Liran Danino (Photo: Or Geffen)Taylor Malkov, Liran Danino (Photo: Or Geffen)
Simcha Guetta (Photo: Or Geffen)Simcha Guetta (Photo: Or Geffen)
Doron Miran, Sylvie Jean (Photo: Or Geffen)Doron Miran, Sylvie Jean (Photo: Or Geffen)
Ofira Asaig (Photo: Or Geffen)Ofira Asaig (Photo: Or Geffen)
Giovanni Russo, Maya Fishel (Photo: Or Geffen)Giovanni Russo, Maya Fishel (Photo: Or Geffen)
Yaron Berlad (Photo: Or Geffen)Yaron Berlad (Photo: Or Geffen)


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