A Bulgarian college celebrates Could 24 in Spain with an exhibition (Pictures) – 2024-05-25 07:51:25

by times news cr

2024-05-25 07:51:25

An exhibition of posters by Bulgarian artists opens the Bulgarian college “St. St. Cyril and Methodius” in Barcelona on the event of Could 24. The exposition will be capable to be seen on Could 25 within the constructing of the academic establishment. This 12 months marks the fifteenth anniversary of the institution of the varsity. The director of the varsity Stoyanka Koleva mentioned that the vacation will likely be celebrated and with a particular live performance.

She added that she was one of many founders of the varsity, and right this moment they’ve 130 college students, and a department positioned 30 km from Barcelona was additionally opened.

Koleva mentioned that for the households whose youngsters attend the varsity, it’s a matter of pleasure to protect their roots and identification, and to signify Bulgarian traditions, writes NOVA.

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