A candidate of the M5s insults Meloni, Conte apologizes and throws him out: “Words have a weight. He is no longer one of us”

by time news

5-star candidate in local elections insults Giorgia Meloni. And to the leader of Brothers of Italy Giuseppe Conte’s apologies arrive. The former premier intervenes with a post on facebook in which he simultaneously excludes from the list for the municipal offices of Busto Arsizio the candidate Mario Socrates. “Words have a weight, for everyone. Especially for those who choose to undertake a path within the institutions. Even more so for those who choose to do this with the 5 Star Movement. A candidate of the Movement in Busto Arsizio, Mario Socrate, used words that they are not compatible with the new course of the 5 Star Movement, which includes, among the founding principles, thecare of words‘. We can no longer consider him one of our candidates, with all the consequences that this entails ”, writes Conte on social media. Then he adds: “To Giorgia Meloni I address my apologies and those of the whole Movement”.

Meloni herself had asked for Conte’s direct intervention. “Today we learn that a candidate of the Movement for the City Council of Busto Arsizio he addressed me the refined title of ‘female dog‘. Would this be the new course of the movement? Instead of giving lessons to others, the new president of M5S looks into his home because of vulgarity he will find a lot of it. Now I expect Conte to intervene immediately and condemn these ignoble words ”, said the leader of Brothers of Italy. To raise the case were the same exponents of Fdi a Busto Arsizio, explaining that the offenses of the M5s candidate were contained in some posts on social media, then removed. Those posts, however, “were acquired by the party at the national level, which is now considering the possibility of adire le vie legali, reserving the right to undertake all the necessary actions to protect the image and person of the president of Fdi, ”he said Massimiliano Nardi, president of Fdi in Busto Arsizio. Thursday 9 September Conte is expected in the city in the province of Varese for the electoral campaign.

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