A classified report of the White House says: This is the cause of the outbreak of the corona virus

by time news

The US Department of Energy determined that the corona epidemic, which broke out in China in 2019, occurred as a result of a leak from a laboratory, according to a classified intelligence report by the White House and congressional officials.

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The change in the Department of Energy’s position was noted in an update to the 2021 document from the office of Director of National Intelligence Avril Haynes. The new report highlights how intelligence officials have come to different conclusions about the source of the outbreak. The Energy Department now joins the Federal Bureau of Investigation in determining that the virus likely spread because of a malfunction in a Chinese laboratory. Four other agencies, along with a national intelligence panel, still believe it was likely the result of Natural transfer, and two are still debating.

Wuhan (archive) (Photo: Reuters)

Wuhan (archive) (Photo: Reuters)

In the past, the FBI also concluded that the cause of the epidemic was a leak from a laboratory, and held this position “with reasonable confidence.”

However, studies whose conclusions were published last July on CNN determined that the source of the epidemic is the seafood market of Wuhan province in China. The original studies were leaked before, but at that time they completed the peer review process and were published in the scientific journal – “SCIENCE”. As you remember, the corona epidemic first broke out in December 2019 in the city of Wuhan in China.

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