A daily assembly of the heads of safety businesses of the CIS member states was held in Bishkek – 2024-05-26 21:56:08

by times news cr

2024-05-26 21:56:08

On Could 24, the 54th assembly of the Council of Heads of Safety Companies and Particular Providers of the Member States of the Commonwealth of Unbiased States (CIS) was held in Bishkek, the capital of the Kyrgyz Republic.

Because the State Safety Service reported to Day.Az on Saturday, the occasion was attended by the top of the State Safety Service of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Colonel Basic Ali Nagiyev.

Alternate of knowledge within the discipline of combating worldwide terrorism and non secular extremism, figuring out and stopping the actions of individuals taking part in armed conflicts as a part of prison teams, having undergone fight coaching outdoors the borders of nations, have been among the many essential points on the agenda of the assembly.

On the occasion, it was particularly emphasised that towards the backdrop of accompanying pressure, advanced and contradictory processes in world geopolitics, the worldwide safety system is dealing with new threats, the chance of terrorism has elevated many occasions, and instances of cybercrime have turn into extra intense.

Along with the above, the necessity to be part of forces and successfully collectively struggle by mobilizing current capabilities towards unfavourable manifestations of significant concern, equivalent to reconnaissance and subversive actions of forces with particular pursuits within the CIS area, transnational organized crime, human trafficking, drug smuggling and psychotropic substances.

On the occasion, detailed discussions have been held on vital points and quite a few vital paperwork on additional cooperation have been signed.

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