A deadly aim for Al-Naft deepens Al-Qasim’s wounds and places him getting ready to the Stars League

by times news cr



/ On Thursday, the Al-Naft soccer group defeated its host Al-Qasim group with a rating of 3-2 within the first match of the final spherical of the primary stage of the Iraq Stars League.

The match passed off at Karbala Worldwide Stadium, at 5 o’clock within the afternoon. The primary half ended with Al-Qassim main with an empty aim. The aim got here within the third minute from skilled Siaka Bagayoko.

Within the second half, Al-Naft scored the adjustment aim by way of skilled Okiki Ofolabi within the sixty fourth minute, and Al-Naft returned to attain its second aim by way of Ammar Ghaleb within the 73rd minute, whereas Al-Qasim was in a position to rating the adjustment aim by way of participant Saif Al-Din Zahir within the 88th minute, earlier than a participant scored. Al-Naft and Karim scored a deadly aim for his group within the ninetieth minute + 2, so the match ended with Al-Naft successful by three targets and two targets by Al-Qasim.

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