A Democratic elected official sets off an alarm in Congress for nothing and is fined

by time news

2023-10-27 12:51:01

In the United States, a Democratic elected official was sanctioned this Wednesday after deliberately triggering an alarm within Congress, forcing the building to be evacuated just before an important vote. He admitted the facts in a Washington court.

The parliamentarian in question, Jamaal Bowman, was fined $1,000 and will have to write a letter of apology to law enforcement. In exchange, the charges against the elected official of a federal constituency in the State of New York will be dropped, according to court documents.

Congress evacuated for an hour

The events occurred on September 30. Former school principal, Jamaal Bowman, 47, said he was rushing to the House of Representatives to attend the vote on a law aimed at avoiding a budgetary paralysis of the federal state. He then sounded an alarm to open a door he couldn’t get through.

The events were captured by a video surveillance camera. The building had been evacuated for an hour. The Republicans accuse the elected Democrat of having knowingly wanted to prevent the vote and have undertaken to deprive him of his roles in parliamentary committees.

Known for his progressive positions and his verbal jousts with his Republican opponents, Jamaal Bowman said he was grateful that the police concluded that he had “not obstructed or did not intend to obstruct a vote or operations of the House of Representatives. The head of the Democratic parliamentary group in the House of Representatives, Hakeem Jeffries, also came to his defense.

#Democratic #elected #official #sets #alarm #Congress #fined

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