A drama in Russia about the activities of the Jewish Agency

by time news

First publication: A day after Foreign Minister Cohen’s visit to Ukraine, there was drama in the Moscow court regarding the activities of the Jewish Agency in the country. For the first time today (Friday) a substantial hearing on the issue was held in court, which lasted about an hour – and a further hearing was scheduled for this coming Monday.

According to sources familiar with the issue, until now the discussions have been conducted in a different format and have been rejected time and time again on technical grounds. Precisely today, a substantial discussion was held on the issue and a follow-up discussion was scheduled for the beginning of next week. The Foreign Ministry declined to comment. There was no response from the Jewish Agency.

Foreign Minister Eli Cohen met with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky yesterday during his visit to Kiev, the two talked for about an hour, during which the minister promised that Israel would provide Ukraine with missile warning systems within six months. This is the first visit of an Israeli official to Ukraine since the war began, almost a year ago. During the visit, alarms were activated in the Ukrainian capital.

In August of last year, the court in Moscow discussed a preliminary hearing on the activities of the Jewish Agency in Russia, following the demands made by the Russian Ministry of Justice on the agency. At the same time, an Israeli delegation consisting of lawyers arrived in Moscow to discuss with senior officials of the Russian Ministry of Justice how to find an outline that would allow the agency’s continued activity in the country.

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