A great land: one short and razor-sharp poem revealed what we were afraid to ask

by time news

Without us noticing, between a frantic hallway conversation in the office about the legal reform and a more frantic conversation about what to order for lunch, Purim arrived. Yes, the holiday is what divides us into camps: those who invest too much, those who don’t invest at all, and members of the third group who find something smart that justifies the same clothing as on other days. And to get into the atmosphere, even in the strange time we are in, a wonderful country painted the studio in holiday colors.

And since we all know that Purim cannot be celebrated without costumes, the Netanyahus took advantage of the mood in the country, and put on the robes of the Supreme Court Justices Slash Beauty Team in coordination with Minister of Information Galit Distel-Atbarian and the rather dominant Knesset member Tali Gottlieb. Soon the joker also joined in, he is Justice Minister Yariv Levin, and made it clear what we all must have assumed: he is tasked with pulling the strings. permanently. Even when it concerns the reading of the Book of Esther in its new version. And if you’ve almost forgotten the barbershop drama that happened to Sarah, yesterday we were also treated to an impressive recreation of the couple’s other photo, plus hair rollers at the expense of the house.

An absolutely wonderful surprise that came to the studio is David Bitan, played by Udi Kagan, who returned, of course, as a goldfish, who instead of three wishes gives viewers information that the rest of the studio’s residents would not want to reveal. Simultaneous translation if you want. It is important to note that the revelation of the truth was not only to one side – a few moments later, opposition leader Yair Lapid in a Che Guevara costume, Benny Gantz as Bob Marley, and Ehud Barak, who was good at speaking at the speed of light, as Napoleon, the Saber version, also stepped into the frame with light steps.

One situation that occurred both in the real world and in the televised universe of A Wonderful Land: Minister Miri Regev was the Statue of Liberty. What didn’t really happen but was totally convincing on the show yesterday? Minister Bezalel Smotrich dressed up as Captain America, Minister Yitzhak Goldknopf chose the costume of an air crew member, while MK Almog Cohen identified himself as the pilot who would take the royal couple to their destination in Rome. Wonderful.

Another strange thing that barely passed over our heads this week was the Minister of Communications Shlomo Karai who turned the air force pilots, a significant part of the reason in the garden we make sure to sleep quietly, into another kind of opposition. But leave, we didn’t come to talk about politics. I will just mention that the blessing of the Purim holiday of Karai also reached a wonderful country, and between a smile and a wish, he did not spare blasphemies from any of the sectors that expressed opposition to the reform. This is how a holiday starts.

Well, we have come to the most curious curiosity that the State of Israel has provided us in recent times, much more than what is happening in the Knesset plenum, which is beginning to resemble a Eurovision of controversial statements. Yes, I’m talking about Minister Dodi Amsalem who asked in a tweet on Twitter who Hanan Yuval was after the latter refused to appear in front of the Knesset, mentioned Kobi Peretz in the same breath, and managed to get them to promise to appear together. The pair of singers also stood up yesterday, facing each other, and cracked a duet that made me want to run to the Golden Ring when this performance really becomes a reality. Streamlining proposal: a mix of good trouble and confusing it. may become a hit.

As part of my obnoxious habit of mentioning important points from the beginning rather than at the end, here is something that I think none of us should miss. Yesterday’s program began with the Prime Minister’s guitar solo against the background of excerpts from the protest, as he accompanied the music with his voice performing the song ‘I have no other country’. The catch, gentlemen, is that instead of the front row, which for years has succeeded in shrinking the hearts of even the most indifferent, it is said “I have no other option”. A particularly troubling point to think about, and enough for Khimama to allude. God willing, we will be one again, because between us, even so, camping is so BC.

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