A gym for both amateurs and professionals has been opened in Biršton

by time news

On February 24, Birštonas sports center invited Birštonians and members of the sports community to an Open Day in the newly installed fitness hall, during which the director of the center presented new services for Birštonians and resort guests.

Birštonas sports center trainers are ready to instruct customers.

According to Saulius Smailius, director of the Sports Center, the long-cherished dream of municipal athletes, professional teams training at the resort, and members of the local community to have good conditions for training and physical fitness has finally come true. After receiving over 150 thousand EUR financing, professional equipment of the manufacturers “Freemotion”, “Proud” and “Telju fitness” was purchased, a total of over 40 units, mostly free weight trainers; six smart treadmills; three programmable bikes; the innovation of gyms is a mechanical walking track, especially suitable for developing the skills needed by basketball players; Olympic bar, other weightlifting equipment and weights; as well as exercise machines adapted for training of people with disabilities (in wheelchairs), rehabilitation of athletes after injuries, etc.
Mayor Nijolė Dirginčienė, who was one of the first to visit the gym, was happy with the visible result and regretted that due to the lack of funds, it was not possible to equip the gym earlier, together with the establishment of a multi-purpose sports center. A little later, after the Ministry of Education, Science and Sports allocated 150 thousand. euros, the Municipality started public procurement, and in February the purchased equipment finally reached Birštonas. The mayor hoped that the training machines would serve both the members of the local community, the athletes, and the participants of the organized camps, so that, with the improvement of physical fitness conditions, there would be more people and teams playing professional sports.
The municipal council approved the position of a hall instructor, who will alternate with Birštonas sports center trainers to instruct visitors and ensure the safe use of exercise equipment. The possibility of providing the services of a personal trainer, who would create individual training programs for visitors for a certain fee, advise on nutrition and other issues, was discussed.
Soon, the weightlifters trained by Vidos Blekaitis will also move to the gym from the premises of the club “Ažuolas”. Representatives of other sports cultivated in the Birštonas Sports Center who participated in the Open at the door day event and did not miss the opportunity to try the new trainers.
Athletes of the Birštonas sports center will train in the hall for free, entrance for schoolchildren and people with disabilities – 1 EUR, for adults with a “Birštonietis card” – 2 EUR, for other customers a one-time fee – 3 EUR. The season ticket (8 p.m.) will cost 10 EUR for students and people with disabilities, 20 EUR for visitors with a “Birštonietis card”, and 30 EUR for other customers.
The gym is open: weekdays and Saturdays from 8 a.m. until 9 p.m. (on Sundays from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.).
Dale Lazauskienė

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