A hot romance with Rotem Sela or rather Asi Ezer? Amos Tamm’s new role

by time news

After we reported to you about the unsurprising casting of Assi Azar who cast the bestie and his other half, Rotem Sela, For his new series called “Sweets”, another significant casting for the series, this time he does surprise. El Sela is joined by the hot actor Amos Tamm.

But just before you dream of a stormy romance between Sela and Tamm, Tamm will play a character from the LGBT community, the gay hi-tech uncle from Tel Aviv who is reluctantly forced to return to his childhood city in Kiryat and help the members of the Tamri family, a role that was initially intended for Ezer himself.

Assi Ezer, Rotem Sela (Photo: Rafi Deloya)

Filming for the new series that will air on the Zoom Hot channel will begin in about two months, while Ezer and Sela will be on the screen hosting the new season of “Ninja Israel”. As you remember, Ezer is also expected to participate in the first game role in the series, but his intended role is not yet known.

Amos Tamm (Photo: Or Gefen)Amos Tamm (Photo: Or Gefen)

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