“A huge void after Eriksson’s death”

by time news

Nancy Dell’Olio and Sven-Göran Eriksson 27/08/2024 23:57 239

The lawyer and television personality breaks her silence and reveals her most intimate feelings in an exclusive interview with ‘Il Corriere della Sera’ following the death of the famous Swedish coach, her historic former teammate.

Nancy Dell’Olio, a well-known figure in the international jet set and a successful lawyer, has returned to the forefront of the news following the recent death of her former partner, Swedish coach Sven-Göran Eriksson. In an exclusive interview with ‘Il Corriere della Sera’, Dell’Olio wanted to share her thoughts and feelings about the loss of the man who marked an important part of her life.

A special bond that has spanned the years

Nancy Dell’Olio and Eriksson had a very intense and publicized love story in the early 2000s, when the coach was in charge of the English national team. Despite the end of their relationship, the bond between the two has never completely broken. “Sven was a special man to me, and always will be,” Nancy said in the interview, visibly moved. “We shared wonderful years, full of passion, travel and success, but also of difficulties that we faced together.”

The pain of loss

The news of Eriksson’s death a few weeks ago deeply affected Nancy Dell’Olio, who spoke openly about the pain she is experiencing. “When I heard about his passing, it was like a piece of my heart broke,” she confessed. “Even though our story ended years ago, our relationship of mutual respect and affection remained intact. His loss leaves a huge void.”

Nancy revealed that despite the separation, she and Eriksson had maintained a friendship. “We continued to talk, text each other during the most important moments of our lives. It’s hard to believe that I will never be able to talk to him again.”

The memory of a complex man

In remembering Eriksson, Nancy Dell’Olio wanted to paint a complete picture of the man she loved. “Sven was a very reserved person, but at the same time generous and affectionate with those who knew how to earn his trust,” she said. “He was a man of great intelligence and professionalism, but also capable of a sweetness that only a few knew. He dedicated his life to football, but behind the coach there was a man with his fragilities, his fears and his dreams.”

The interview also touched on lesser-known aspects of their relationship. “We always supported each other, even when the world was looking at us critically,” Nancy recalled. “It wasn’t easy living in the spotlight, but our bond allowed us to overcome many difficulties.”

A heartfelt tribute

Nancy Dell’Olio concluded the interview with a touching tribute to Eriksson, calling him “an extraordinary man who has left an indelible mark on my life.” She also revealed that she will attend the coach’s memorial services, to pay her last respects to a man who, despite their differences and different paths, has always remained in her heart.

“I will never forget what we experienced together,” she said, ending the interview on a melancholy note. “His absence will be difficult to fill, but I will always cherish the memories of the good times we shared. Sven will always be a part of me.”

Nancy Dell’Olio’s interview sparked a variety of reactions in the world of gossip and among Eriksson’s fans. Many wondered how deep the bond between the two remained, and whether their friendship was not hiding a stronger feeling that had never died down. However, Nancy preferred not to fuel further speculation, focusing instead on the importance of remembering Eriksson for the man he was and for the legacy he left, both in football and in the lives of those who knew him closely.

Nancy Dell’Olio’s testimony is a sincere and touching memory of a man who, despite having been part of her past, continued to occupy a special place in her heart. With words of affection and respect, the lawyer wanted to pay homage to Sven-Göran Eriksson, underlining how difficult it is to say goodbye to someone who meant so much to her life. The world of sports and entertainment unite in the memory of a great coach and a man who left a deep mark, not only on the soccer fields, but also in the hearts of those who truly knew him.

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