A.League decided to uphold non-communal spirit: PM – 2024-05-22 12:42:46

by times news cr

2024-05-22 12:42:46

On the event of the holy Buddha Purnima, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina prolonged honest greetings to the Buddhist group of the nation. He stated, Awami League authorities is decided to uphold the non-communal spirit.

He stated this in a message given on Tuesday (Could 21) on the event of Buddha Purnima.

The Prime Minister stated that Mahamati Gautam Buddha preached the message of non-violence, equality, friendship and compassion for the welfare of individuals and for establishing peace and concord within the society.

He stated that it’s essential to comply with the teachings of Buddha in right now’s world to suppress the brute drive maddened by violence, forestall the degradation of values ​​and construct a peaceable society.

Mentioning that our structure made by Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman has assured equal rights to folks of all religions and castes, he stated, “We consider that ‘faith belongs to everybody, pageant belongs to everybody’.” The event of individuals of all courses, professions and communities is our foremost objective.

The Prime Minister stated that Mahamati Gautam Buddha enlightened the world by his life and actions by overcoming greed, hatred and lust. He was impressed by beliefs of fact and wonder.

He stated, ‘We’re working to make sure dignified and secure residing of individuals of all communities. Buddhists have been collaborating equally within the socio-economic improvement actions of Bangladesh for ages. ‘

“I hope that everybody will play a task in making Bangladesh a peaceable nation by holding and cherishing the beliefs of Gautam Buddha.”

On the event of Buddha Purnima, the Prime Minister wished the countrymen happiness, peace and welfare.

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