A mentally unstable student stabbed her partner because of a breakup. She got 12 years 2024-02-13 18:30:00

by time news

Galdov, who suffered from depression and other mental problems in various psychiatric hospitals since childhood, met a two-year-old young man in 2022. They started dating. While the woman behaved possessively towards him and robbed him of his feelings with repeated threats to commit suicide, according to the court’s view, the partner behaved incomprehensible and rebellious and took all his linens.

I was evil and unforgiving. For me, he was the best boy I knew. I’ve never had a relationship like this. I felt that I was really in love, that I really liked someone. From the first moment I didn’t see a single bad eye on him, he was like a great hunter to me, said the student in court.

However, the young man’s patience with his behavior began to run out. When she threatened to break up with him last May, after about a year of relationship, he agreed. The bag in the two heads quickly spread. She understood that she had beeped it.

The breakup was the end of the world for me. I’m married, I can’t find anyone like that. They will never get him out of their heads, he was something special to me. I wanted to end it (life), without him everything lost its meaning, hard.

The young woman repeatedly tried to convince them to stay together. He was unfathomable. Galdov then looked on the Internet for how to kill a hunter.

The other night, she took a large kitchen n from our house, put it in her purse and set off in a taxi to meet her ex-partner. Because she wanted to kill herself in front of him. In the morning, they made out in his room for about half an hour.

She begged me not to separate. U was tired. I said, I don’t want to talk about dreams and I’m going to sleep. At that moment she started stabbing me. I was half-sitting, first the wounds were on my head, then on my limbs, the young man described.

Just before the flow, Galdov had to hand it to open the window in the room. According to the court, in order to gain some time, she could have taken out of her purse unobserved a bag for the boy, or she understood that this time she would not be after him and the breakup was final. She had to throw herself at him with an unexpected force and shout: “Chapni!”

The ex-partner was struggling and immediately calling for help. His abductor came into the room and started playing with the cloth. She was a very good match for him too. He finally ripped the bag off. Gald’s sweat jumped out the window. Pestoe landed in front of the house from about a meter high flat on her chest, immediately got up and started to climb back into the house.

She was then arrested by a police officer. The huntsman who arrived in town reported that she had stung a bird. Then when she was taking her purse and mobile phone from the apartment accompanied by the police, she yelled at the young man: You shouldn’t have broken up with me!.

Smrtc cocktail property

On the basis of witness statements, assessments and other evidence, the court concluded that Galdov had tried to murder her former partner with intent. It was revenge for the fact that the victim did not act according to his will, said the chairman of the senate, Luk Slavk.

Intrinsic motivation is absolutely essential. Mr. Obalovan is possessive when it comes to some partner relationships. He prefers to satisfy his own needs. If it goes hand in hand with some kind of emon instability, then it may seem inappropriate, but it is absolutely appropriate and, in quotes, this combination was surely a deadly cocktail of properties for the fact that she committed the one described, he stated.

According to him, the divine life was criss-crossed by a dense web of manipulation. Therefore, the court had to see the problem, that now before the court his truth, when he changed his statement several times.

From his entry into the apartment (where his partner was and where she attacked him) the evidence is clear and consistent. The only thing that deviates from this is the question being wrapped, the judge revealed. Neither the woman nor her defense attorney could prove that she acted under the influence and that she had a memory lapse when she was drunk.

A lot of people asked me why I wanted to kill myself when I was alone in that relationship. But I probably wasn’t. Because I wanted more from him, he couldn’t give it to me. I’m glad to see him. It never occurred to me that I would kill anyone. I was only thinking about my death, Galdov claimed.

The escort brought her to the court in a blouse with short sleeves. On their exposed forearms, you could see the scars of several wounds. Dvka hurt herself, for example, by being beaten by the girls or by you with a screwdriver. According to the court, she never used a 20-centimeter epel for self-incrimination. It’s sad that she took him to her ex-partner not to hurt herself, but to stalk him.

About halfway through the sentence, Galdov turned to the judge and said she wanted to leave the proceedings because it was not time. After the mole, his mother also left the room.

A father went to court, who once gave the author a link to write nicely about the child. The boy’s family is to blame for what happened. that if his daughter hadn’t opened the door that night and let her into the apartment, it wouldn’t have happened to him.

2024-02-13 18:30:00

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