A new camera is more safety at the Summer Cinema

by time news

Supercinema Estivo: New Security Measures Implemented

In the vicinity of the Supercinema Estivo, the Modena Municipality has installed a new camera as part of their ‍urban video surveillance⁣ network. This camera directly connects to the Local Police and Law Enforcement Operations ‌Rooms.

This‍ addition joins others recently placed in ‌the Creativity Park ⁤in Piazzale Panini, as well as the ‌redeveloped area encompassing Via Peretti, Via Sigonio, Via ⁢Buon Pastore, and ‍Via ‍Morane. These areas ⁢now experience intensified ⁣evening and ​nighttime ​security checks.‍ Additionally, an external dynamic security​ service has⁣ been activated, with security guards patrolling ⁢between 9 pm‌ and 7 am.

The new camera has ⁣been positioned directly outside the new entrance of the Supercinema, while other cameras ⁢are strategically placed throughout⁢ the complex. These include:

⁣ The‍ side of Via Peretti, monitoring the entrance, stairs, and surrounding area.
The side‍ of ⁣Via Carlo Sigonio, covering the entrance and ‌entire area.
* Close to the gym, encompassing ​the entire internal square.

These dome⁤ devices significantly enhance the comprehensive monitoring of the large pedestrian square, ground-level parking lot, and access roads.⁣ Future implementation⁣ of additional⁣ cameras is being considered, based on police recommendations and the ongoing ⁢urban regeneration project. Notably, construction‌ sites for both commercial and residential structures,​ as well as the‌ second ‌hall of the ‌new Teatro delle ‌Passioni, are​ currently ⁢open.

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