A new space for science communication | premiere

by time news

From today, science and technology strengthen your space in Page 12. A new section that will bring all the news that is being worked on every week in the country’s laboratories, offices, centers and research institutes. The knowledge produced by scientists throughout the territory is there to be disseminated and it is a source of pride –but also a challenge– to share it with the readers of this newspaper.

Vaccines and drugs whose trials are in full swing and will save the lives of thousands of people; satellites that are getting ready with the hope of seeing the light in a short time; fossils that are examined and that hide centuries of accumulated clues; climate change reports being written and rewritten by the second; artificial intelligences that are more valued as they appear less artificial; genetic edits that arouse both promise and terror. Science, in the 21st century, is updated at all times.

The pandemic brought to the surface the essential work being done by researchers in Argentina. Each development is celebrated as an achievement. For this reason, each week, will be exhibited the goals of local scienceas well as the obstacles and problems that are faced.

Despite technological advances and the fact that only successes tend to conquer the pages of newspapers and TV screens, the truth is that research represents a very complex activity, which, in addition to satisfaction, is full of troubles. Show the warts of science –the controversies, the conflicts between different evidences, the paper market, the underlying interests– also contributes to demystify the role of men and women who concentrate their efforts and exercise their brain cells in the various fields of knowledge. In short, it is about showing the most human side.

The coordination of this new space will be carried out from the Scientific News Agency of the National University of Quilmes, an institution with a long tradition in the field of science journalism. But, in addition, it will have the contribution of journalists from universities and scientific and technological institutions in Argentina. As knowledge is produced throughout the national geography, the production of this space will also be of a federal nature.

The goal of every Tuesday? Disseminate quality knowledge that is produced in all corners of the country.

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