a painless treatment for 100% hair-free skin – Cosas de Salud

by time news

2024-04-24 14:29:25

Being comfortable with your physical appearance is a fundamental step to achieving a high level of well-being. Self-esteem can deteriorate when the person does not like what they see in the mirror, in this sense taking care of the figure and face is essential to, finally, feel more satisfied with themselves. Aesthetic treatments are an ideal option to achieve this goal.

Aesthetic centers offer a wide variety of facial and body interventions and treatments, so that each client can find just what they need. Typical are lip fillers with hyaluronic acid, facial peeling, fat reduction or anti-aging treatments, aimed at eliminating facial wrinkles. In addition, you can obtain nutrition advice to adjust your figure naturally.

Likewise, the Manacor laser hair removal In particular, it is one of the most requested techniques. This is a treatment that allows you to permanently remove body hair, using laser technology. Some of The advantages of this hair removal method, compared to the traditional one with blades, are the prevention of infections, comfort during the treatment, precision in the finish and lasting results.

How it is performed?

The laser hair removal process is carried out in several steps. The first is preparation, which consists of cleaning the skin and cutting the hair to a manageable length, so that the laser can identify each pigment. Protective glasses should be worn to prevent eyes from being affected by the laser light beams. This applies to both the client and the specialist.

Next, The specialist adjusts the laser depending on the color of the hair, its thickness and skin tone, all to ensure that the laser effect occurs appropriately.. When the laser is applied to the skin, the client will feel a sensation of heat and a slight sting, like when an elastic band is punctured against the skin. However, no severe pain, even moderate, will be felt.

Once the laser has been applied, the session is ended using a cooling system, a special gel, to relieve any discomfort that may appear. This is done to provide immediate relief to the skin, reducing heat and inflammation. After the session, the specialist indicates the relevant post-treatment care for the case in question.

The treatment consists of several sessions applied at an interval of several weeks. The idea is that the hair goes through several phases of growth, and treats it in each of them.. The result is noticeable after each session: the amount of hair, and its thickness, will be reduced little by little, until the desired result is obtained.

How does it work?

Laser hair removal treatment has a very interesting operation. A process called “selective photothermolysis” is carried out, which begins with the emission of a highly concentrated laser light beam, which is applied to the skin and is selectively absorbed by the melanin found in the hair follicles. This is the pigment that gives color to each hair.

The energy from the laser light is absorbed by melanin, which converts it into heat. This passes to the hair follicle, and damages the cells that cause hair growth, inhibiting it in the future. By performing several sessions of laser hair removal, hair regeneration is completely avoided, obtaining the desired goal: skin free of annoying hairs.

Laser hair removal is generally most effective on dark hair, but fortunately the latest laser technologies can easily be adapted to all skin and hair types. To achieve the desired result, the ideal is to have between 8 and 12 laser hair removal sessions, but the exact number depends on each particular case.

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