A reversal in Mea Shearim: almost one hundred percent immunization for polio

by time news

Following the polio case, about 6,000 polio vaccines were given last week in Jerusalem. Municipal milk drop stations operate on an emergency basis and have been reinforced with storage nurses from other cities. Mayor Leon: “We will continue the vaccination campaign to prevent tragedies”

Following the revelation of the polio case last week in Jerusalem, and in light of the sad reality that taught that in some neighborhoods the percentage of vaccinations for polio was very low, Mayor Moshe Leon and the Ministry of Health launched a massive media and community campaign to encourage residents to come and get vaccinated. And according to the data an unprecedented success is recorded.

A few days after the operation, the municipality boasts about 6,000 polio vaccines given until Thursday last week. A large proportion of them in stations where immune coverage is relatively low.

The data show that among those born in 2021, the vaccination rate rose to 80 percent vaccination coverage for polio, and even among those born in 2020 who were vaccinated in the second dose, there was an increase, and already reached more than 90 percent coverage for the virus.

The mayor instructed the municipal system to launch an unprecedented operation – to hurry and vaccinate the population to prevent disease. In coordination with the Ministry of Health, the municipal milk drops began to provide emergency service, and as part of the deployment expanded working hours and gained reinforcement of storage nurses who also came from other cities.

The mayor even approached the rabbinical houses of all sectors to call on those who heard them to go out and get vaccinated. Written and oral leaflets were distributed in the ultra-Orthodox concentrations and repeatedly urged parents to spare their children and rush for the milk drop to vaccinate them. Indeed, the public responded to the call and went out to get vaccinated.

Mayor Moshe Leon expressed satisfaction with the success of the campaign and said that “I am glad that the Jerusalem public responded to our call to come and get vaccinated. We will continue the operation to reach maximum children, raise immunization coverage and prevent tragedies. That in the data. “

The mayor thanked everyone who led and participated in the information campaign, the public health department and the milk drop team who mobilized for the effort, adding “I reiterate my call to those who have not yet vaccinated their children, hurry to get vaccinated right now! Unvaccinated children are children who are in real danger.”

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