A Russian doctor reveals what happens to your body when onions and garlic are instilled in the nose! • Al Marsad newspaper

by time news

Al-Marsad newspaper: Dr. Andrei Tegelnikov, chief specialist for primary medical care at the Ministry of Health in Moscow, warned against dripping garlic or onion juice in the nose, stressing that it damages the mucous membrane.

The specialist advised that health should be taken care of, the immune system should be strengthened, in addition to following a balanced diet rich in vitamins and taking the vitamins prescribed by the doctor, according to “Novosti” agency.

He pointed out: It is important to monitor the level of vitamin С, vitamin D and zinc, which are elements that enhance the body’s resistance. Clothes should also be dressed according to the weather and avoid exposure to cold.

Mirdafa: Of course, onions and garlic have beneficial properties, because they secrete antimicrobial phytoncides. But it must be eaten, not dripping its juice in the nose. Because that damages the mucous membrane.”

He pointed out, it is useful to wash the nose and gargle with a saline solution, to prevent the spread of disease-causing bacteria. Because the mouth and nose are the gateway for the entry of pathological infection.

The specialist explained that the best way to prevent viral infection is vaccination, because it is guaranteed to prevent influenza.

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