A safety mechanism for the restoration of waste damage was imposed on the company

by time news

The Knesset’s Finance Committee, headed by MK Alex Kushnir, today (Wednesday) approved a security mechanism for restoring Rotem Ampert’s industrial waste damage from the Israel Chemicals Group, which has been piled up for decades and reaches a huge 100 million cubic meters, polluting the land and water sources in the area. – as a condition for granting the state concession to continue mining phosphates.

Minister of Environmental Protection Tamar Zandberg: “We in the Ministry of Environmental Protection have succeeded in creating a precedent-setting security mechanism for the restoration of historical past damage on a huge scale, to ensure that these costs are not borne by the public, and to anchor the ‘polluter pays’ principle. “Ampert is sitting in the country with the completion of mining in such a way that it will not leave long-term environmental damage.”

The Director General of the Ministry of Environmental Protection, Galit Cohen: “Together with the Accountant General of the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Energy, we were led to assume that the enormous risk as a result of non-rehabilitation of industrial waste The environment and the public. “

archives. Photo: Knesset website


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