A search for the solar system – Desert Network

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A search for the solar system, the solar system is one of the only systems that exist in the universe, in which a person can live, and this solar system does not contain many factors that a person needs to survive, the universe consists of a group of galaxies in outer space and all A galaxy that revolves around a group of cosmic systems, and each cosmic system consists of a large star and a group of planets revolving around it, and the solar system is one of the cosmic systems and will be created through this article. We talk at length about the solar system or the solar system in the form of a research that consists of an introduction, a conclusion, and several items.

Introduction to research on the solar system

The solar system is the only system in the universe in which a person can live, because it contains all the factors that a living organism needs to survive, and this is what scientists have reached after launching several space flights to explore space, and the sun, a system like any other that consists of a large star A group of planets of different sizes revolve around it.

Solar system research

The solar system or the solar system is one of the cosmic systems that revolves in the Milky Way galaxy, and the solar system consists of a large star, which is the sun, and is located in the center of the system and revolves around it, a group of small planets, and the sun affects the movement of the planets through gravity, and their number is eight Planets, they are Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, and Uranus, and each of these eight special planets has specifications that differ from other planets, as some planets revolve around one moon, and some revolve around two moons, and the solar system was formed 4.57 billion years ago. Years, from a large proportion of gas and dust condensed inside a large cloud, the planets revolve around the sun in elliptical orbits.

Components of the solar system

The solar system consists of a large star, which is the sun, which is the base of the solar system, and a group of planets that number eight real planets and a dwarf planet, which is Pluto, which revolves around it, industrial, asteroids and comets, and each section can be divided as follows

Inner planet group

The inner planets group are the four planets closest to the sun, and the inner planets group consists of the following

  • Mercury.
  • rose.
  • Land.
  • Mars

group of outer planets

The outer group of planets are the planets farthest from the sun and are separated by a belt of very small asteroids from the inner planets, the outer planet group consists of the following

  • the buyer.
  • Saturn.
  • Uranus.
  • Neptune.

Comets, moons and asteroids

The solar system consists of a belt of small asteroids that separate each group of the inner planets of the solar system from the outer group. A group of moons revolves around the planets, the number of which varies from one planet to another. There are planets with two or more moons, planets with only one moon, and planets without Moons, in addition to some comets that swim in space within the solar system and many small asteroids as well. All planets and asteroids revolve around the sun in elliptical orbits, except for Saturn, which revolves around the sun in a circular orbit.

Planets of the solar system

As mentioned earlier, the solar system consists of one large star, which is the sun, and a group of eight planets revolve around it, and the characteristics of each planet differ from the other in terms of size, shape, and climatic conditions on this planet, the planet, the climatic conditions on it, which are caused by the distance between it and the sun In addition to that it also revolves around it, in addition to its orbit around the sun, and there has been a lot of research recently that indicated this, which was carried out by space scientists to study the living conditions on Mars, in an attempt to make it suitable for human life, but the research did not succeed. fruits.

Planet Mercury

It is the smallest planet in the solar system and the closest to the sun, at a distance of 57.91 million km / 35.98, and despite the proximity of Mercury to the sun, it is not considered the hottest planet, but Venus is considered the hottest, and Mercury is the fastest planet on Earth. Launch due to its small size, and Mercury is the closest planet to Earth, although Venus is among them, but Venus spends most of its time away from Earth, and Mercury is needed to complete a complete revolution around it, the sun is 88 Earth days, so it is considered the fastest planet and rotates Revolving around the sun at a speed of 29 miles or 47 kilometers per second, Mercury has no satellites or ring systems.


The second planet in the solar system and Venus is one of the first planets to be discovered due to its proximity to Earth, as noted by Galileo Hamm in 1610, and Venus is the hottest planet, despite Mercury’s proximity to the sun, but it is colder than Mercury, and Venus is considered The only planet in the solar system named after a female deity, because Venus is the brightest object in the sky after the moon and the sun, and it was named after the Roman goddess of beauty and love. The ancient Greek called it Aphrodite, and despite its proximity to Earth, it is covered with clouds. Dense makes it hard to see much, a day with Venus is about 243 Earth days, and that’s the slowest rotation of any planet.

Planet Earth

Earth is the third planet from the Sun and the fifth largest in the densest solar system. It is currently the only known location where life exists and the only planet not named after a Roman god. 12,742 km / 7,917 miles, and the Earth’s surface area is about 197 million square miles, / 510 million square kilometers, and the percentage of water covering the Earth’s surface is about 72% of the total surface of the planet.


The fourth planet in the solar system and the most in search of life, Mars is named after the Roman god of war because of its red appearance. Similar to the surface of the Earth’s Moon, one cycle/day on Mars is completed in 24.6 hours while a complete trip around the Sun or a year is completed in 669.6 days.


Jupiter is the largest planet in the solar system, and its arrangement in terms of proximity and distance from the sun is the fifth planet, every 10 hours – Jupiter’s day – and therefore it is the shortest day among all the planets of the solar system, and Jupiter differs from the inner planets in that it does not have a solid surface It is a very large gas vortex.


Saturn is the sixth planet among the planets of the solar system, and people have known it for a long time because of its intense brightness, in addition to its huge rings that distinguish it from other planets that number more than thirty rings and it is considered the second largest planet in the solar system after Jupiter, and it is also the planet that It contains the largest number of moons in the solar system, where eighty-two moons have been discovered so far, and Saturn is named after the Roman god of harvest and time, which is equivalent to the Greek god of time Kronos, and studies have shown that life on Saturn is almost impossible, but on Despite Desi, it has many moons that it has with inner stations that can sustain life, and although Saturn rotates around itself very quickly, completing one day every ten hours, even so, its rotation around the sun is very slow, as It completes a complete revolution around the Sun every 29 light years.

Planet Uranus

One of the planets of the outer group and is located in the seventh order in the planets of the solar system, in addition to being the third largest planet after Jupiter and Saturn. Solar system, Uranus has 13 known rings around it, the inner rings are narrow and dark and the outer rings are brightly colored.


The eighth planet of the true planets of the solar system and is considered the fourth largest planet in terms of size and is the last planet in the solar system, and the planet Neptune cannot be seen in space with the naked eye, it was called the Roman god of the sea because of its color that resembles the blue ocean and this is due to the presence of a high percentage of methane In its atmosphere, the planet Neptune takes 165 Earth years to complete a complete revolution around the sun, however, a cycle or day on Neptune is complete in 16 hours, Neptune has a total of 6 known rings together and contains ring arcs or collections of dust particles within a ring, Neptune Also known as 14 months, the largest of which is called Triton.


Pluto remained a true planet in the solar system for 72 years, until Ceres and other similar bodies were discovered and demoted to a dwarf planet, the solar system consisting of only eight planets instead of nine, named after the Roman god of the underworld, the equivalent of Hades in mythology Greek, and Pluto is considered the first planet in the Kuiper belt and Neptune has five moons, they are Charon, Styx, Nix, Kerberos, and Hydra. The day on Pluto takes about 153 hours, while a full journey around the sun is completed in about 248 years. Its moon, Charon, rotates. Also, it orbits Pluto in about 153 hours and never rises or sits down.

Conclusion of research on the solar system

At the end of our research on the solar system, we want to point out that the solar system is full of bodies other than the sun and planets, and the solar system also contains a group of small rocky asteroids that are leftover debris, since the formation of the solar system and comets, which are snowballs of gases Frozen rocks and dust that revolve around the sun, and the moons, which is the only place outside the Earth discovered by humans, and the moon is the largest and brightest body in our world, the sky and every planet has one or more moons of its own, some of which revolve around the planet and others are fixed and do not move, and the asteroid belt is located Between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter, which consists of a large number of asteroids, all of which are less massive than Earth.

Research on the Solar System DOC

The number of planets in the solar system is not limited to the eight real planets and the planet Pluto, the solar system includes another group of dwarf planets such as Ceres, Haumea, Mikaki and Eris, each planet differs from the other, and the similarities between them remain small in size, and each of the five dwarf planets has a large number of moons, and to read a search for the entire solar system.”

Research on the solar system pdf

There are many planets in the solar system, but Earth remains the only planet suitable for life, and scientists are trying to prove that Mars can also live on its surface due to the great similarity between it and Earth in several aspects, including the formation of the planet and that it is a rocky planet that resembles the surface of the moon and has Thinner atmosphere than Earth, and to read research on the solar system.

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