A study reveals that the descendants of centenarians are less fragile

by time news

And genetic analysis of descendants of centenarians reveals a genetic fingerprint specific that can explain why they are less fragile than those who are not, despite sharing the same age, as published by the magazine ‘The Journals of Gerontology’.

The studyled by the University of Valencia (UV), el CIBER of Frailty and Healthy Aging (CIBERFES), and the Health Research Institute (INCLIVA), I wanted determine yes your offspring es less vulnerable, as if there is one “centennial genetic fingerprint”.


Los results show that the descendants of centenarians they have a lower prevalence from fragility in relationship at personas from his same age offspring of not centenarians, “and that can be explained for his unique genetic endowment“, pointed out Consuelo Borrás, coordinator of the study, professor of Physiology at the UV, researcher at CIBERFES and principal investigator of the Research Group on Healthy Aging at INCLIVA

The sample

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For the study, a composite sample by 63 centenarians, 88 descendants of these and 88 descendants of non-centenarians from a health area near Valencia.

The conditions were to have a parent living for over 97 years, to have between 65 and 80 years and not suffer no terminal illness. Likewise, the state of frailty was determined according to the fried criteria, by which a person with weight loss, exhaustion, weak grip strength, slow walking speed and low physical activity is considered frail.

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