A suspect was arrested who helped hide the squad from the shooting attack at Almog Junction

by time news

IDF and Shin Bet forces arrested today (Monday) on the basis of Shin Bet intelligence information, Vaal Hafez Avidat, 50 years old, from the Aqbat Jaber camp in the area of ​​the Bekaa and Emekim Division.

Vaal, a former prisoner, is identified with the terrorist organization Hamas, the father of two members of the terrorist cell that carried out a shooting attack at Almog Junction on January 28, 2023 and was thwarted on February 6, 2023. The wanted person is suspected of helping to hide the cell and encouraging the terrorists to carry out additional attacks.

During the operation, the forces surrounded the wanted man’s house, announced to him to leave and shot in the area until the wanted man left the house and turned himself in. Also, during the activity, a disturbance developed during which dozens of suspects threw stones at the forces, who responded with measures to disperse the demonstrations and by firing snipers, injuries were detected.

The requested person was transferred to the Shin Bet investigation, there are no casualties to our forces.

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