A teacher had to publicly retract for treating Lucero from UDAP as a “criminal” | Cuyo’s diary

by time news

On the Facebook of the Union of Provincial Union Teachers (UDAP), a teacher ranted against the union and the General Secretary, Luis Lucero. The terms of the woman’s release were strong and, as often happens on social networks, without proof in sight.

The accusation did not fall on deaf ears, because the trade unionist decided to initiate a complaint against him for slander and insults that was processed in the Third Correctional Court of the province.

Strictly speaking, the Justice ruled that the teacher Carina Vanesa Román Bueno should apologize publicly for what happened, something that finally happened this Friday, in a request published in the pages of Diario de Cuyo.

The teacher had expressed “manga of criminals… and that as a union representative he is a mafia criminal” and that “he was just as hot as Graciela López (former General Secretary of UDAP).”

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