“A vision similar to that of the Zionist entity”: Iran in an attack on France

by time news

Iranian sources reported today (Sunday) that after the end of the last round of nuclear talks in Vienna, the French delegation acted to delay the progress of talks between Iran and the powers. The Iranian news agency IRNA noted that “the French delegation did not fulfill its role in the talks in Vienna and tried to delay the ongoing negotiations.”

It was further reported that the progress made in the last round of talks was while the French delegation was absent from them, and that with the return of the French to the negotiating table, there was a great delay and slowness in its progress of talks. The Iranian news agency stressed that “this is not the first time France has acted to disrupt the talks and fulfill the president’s wish. The French had a similar position in the 2015 nuclear talks, and had a vision similar to that of the Zionist entity, especially before the nuclear war.”

Anthony Blinken on nuclear talks and the prospect of an Israeli attack on Iran (Reuters)

Last Friday, Iranian Foreign Minister Hussein Amir Abdullahian said that “European negotiators did not present any new practical initiatives, and their participation was not constructive in the last round of talks on Vienna, which ended on December 17.” Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Said Khatibzadeh said that “in every round of talks we are facing a media war of part of the European Troika”, stressing that “the optimism and pessimism about the negotiations are part of a psychological war”.

As mentioned, the eighth round of nuclear talks between Iran and the powers will resume tomorrow in the Austrian capital. In the past week, diplomats from Britain, France and Germany have said they are disappointed with the decision, which surprised representatives of the European powers in talks, who believed that progress had been made that would allow for more serious discussions. They stressed that time is running out for Iran.

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“In a few weeks, the profits that can be generated from the 2015 nuclear deal will be irrelevant,” they said. “We are fast approaching the end of the road when it comes to negotiations. Iran’s nuclear program is more advanced than ever. It is critical that Iran avoids steps that would exacerbate the situation. However, technical progress has been made, bringing us closer to where we were in June. “


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