Abascal celebrates the “sensibleness” of the PP in Valencia and describes the negotiations in Extremadura as “science fiction”

by time news

2023-06-24 15:35:38

One of lime and one of sand. Santiago Abascal has celebrated the position of the PP in the Valencian Community and has criticized that of the popular in Extremadura. “Valencia is the example of what Vox wants to do in all of Spain”, pointed out the leader of the far-right party in an act held this Saturday at the Ifema Auditorium, which marks the start of the electoral pre-campaign for this formation.

Vox reforms its statutes to penalize as “serious” the demonstrations of affiliates that damage their “public image”


Abascal has recognized that the express agreement reached by his party with the PP to manage the Valencian government for the next four years “is an example of good sense” of the party led by Carlos Mazón. “When there is a desire to understand each other, when the results are interpreted correctly, and when politics is for adults, we know that we have to build an alternative,” said the leader of Vox, who has been acclaimed for his militancy shouting “Abascal , president”.

The tone of his speech has been different when addressing the negotiations with the PP of María Guardiola in Extremadura. In this case, he recalled that the popular ballot was not the list with the most votes, it was the socialist Guillermo Fernández Vara who won the elections, although the “alternative majority” that can invest a new president is made up of those of Guardiola and the regional parliamentary group of Vox.

Pre-campaign start

With this context, Abascal has assured that the negotiations in this community “seem like a science fiction movie.” “They insult us, they demonize us and then they tell us that we are obliged to give them our votes,” he reported. Given the position that Guardiola maintains up to now, the leader of Vox has demanded to enter the governments so that the pacts “are fulfilled”

In this public act, the general secretary of the formation, Ignacio Garriga, has also taken the floor, who has vindicated his program in the coalition governments that Vox reaches with the popular ones. “We are not going to allow anyone to set the political framework for us and tell us what is right or wrong,” he pointed out. And he added: “We have not come this far for the left to tell us what we can talk about.”

Beyond the conflicts with the PP to reach an agreement, Abascal has tried to focus his first pre-campaign rally and a large part of his speech on the policies implemented by the Government of Pedro Sánchez. The Vox leader has listed the laws that he will repeal if his party comes to power or is necessary to form a national government. Among his objectives, is to eliminate the law of ‘only yes is yes’, Animal Welfare, Climate Change, Democratic Memory, Housing or the Trans Law.

His mission this campaign, as he assured this Saturday, is to “save Spain from the socialist catastrophe.” As of this Monday, Vox launches its electoral device. Abacal will tour several Spanish cities next week under the slogan ‘Decide what matters’. Its strategy will be articulated in several axes, already very frequent in the program of the international extreme right, among them “freedom, security, borders, family, countryside or industry”, according to the party. However, the Vox leader recalled that his agenda is already being implemented in some European governments, highlighting, in turn, Vox’s international alliances with executives from Italy, Poland and Hungary.

“We are deeply in love with our women”

One of the names that has been gaining relevance in recent months in the leadership of the formation, the deputy and vice secretary of organization, María Ruiz, has also taken the floor. Her intervention has focused on defending the party’s position on issues of feminism. Despite the fact that in the text agreed in Valencia by PP and Vox to govern the autonomous community, a document with 50 measures, it was adapted to the theses of the extreme right, ignoring sexist violence to speak of “domestic violence”, Ruiz regretted that after this agreement they have been accused of not defending “women”. For this reason, she has celebrated that there are women at the event held this Saturday, stressing that these attendees are “fed up” with being used in “electoral strategies.”

Along the same lines, Garriga has tried to defend himself from criticism. “We are deeply in love with our women, we admire our mothers and we love our daughters,” she explained. Garriga has also described as “hoax” the statements that situate them “against women” while ensuring that the law on gender violence “criminalizes men.” Abascal, for his part, has described the Ministry of Equality as a “herd”.

Before the public rally, a General Assembly was held, where the affiliates ratified the party’s accounts in 2022 and endorsed a reform of the statutes that entails greater management control over public demonstrations by party supporters.

As a novelty, Vox is committed to including as a serious infraction any manifestation that “damages the public image of the party or any of its collegiate bodies, its members and affiliates.” Of course, they add, this measure cannot harm “the right of all affiliates to exercise criticism or issue an opinion on policies and strategic lines.”

#Abascal #celebrates #sensibleness #Valencia #describes #negotiations #Extremadura #science #fiction

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