Abdul Rachman Thaha Urges Bamsoet to Immediately Inaugurate Tamsil Linrung as MPR Leader

by times news cr

2024-08-13 02:26:36

Member of the MPR/DPD RI Abdul Rachman Thaha (ART) on the inauguration of Tamsil Linrung as MPR leader. Photo: source for JPNN

jpnn.com – Member of the DPD RI Abdul Rachman Thaha urged the Chairman of the MPR RI Bambang Soesatyo (Bamsoet) to immediately hold the inauguration of Tamsil Linrung as deputy chairman of the MPR RI from the DPD element to replace Fadel Muhammad.

The demand was conveyed by Abdul Rachman Thaha after the Supreme Court annulled the decisions of the Jakarta PTTUN and Jakarta PTUN regarding Fadel Muhammad’s lawsuit against DPD Decree Number 2/DPDRI/I/2022-2023 concerning the Replacement of the MPR RI Leadership from DPD RI Elements for 2022-2024.

According to the DPD RI Decree, Fadel Muhammad was replaced by Tamsil Linrung as Deputy Chairman of the MPR RI from the DPD element.

The cassation case numbered 195K/TUN/2024 which was decided by the Chairman of the Panel, Prof. Yulius, with the Members of the Panel, Lulik Tri Cahyaningrum and Yosran, in their decision stated: First, to grant the cassation application and the cassation applicant, the Leadership of the Regional Representative Council of the Republic of Indonesia.

Second, to cancel the decision of the Jakarta State Administrative High Court Number 215/B/PT.TUN.JKT, dated November 14, 2023, which upheld the decision of the Jakarta State Administrative Court, Number 398/G/PTUN.JKT, dated May 4, 2023.

Abdul Rachman Thaha said that the Supreme Court’s cassation decision dated July 2, 2024, was final and binding, so there was no reason for Bamsoet to postpone the implementation of the legal provisions.

“Regarding the replacement of Fadel Muhammad, previously the Chairman of the MPR RI asked the Leadership of the DPD RI to ensure that the decision was legally certain or not. Now it is the Supreme Court’s cassation decision. This means that it is legally clear. That’s why we ask the Leadership of the MPR RI to follow up as soon as possible,” said Abdul Rahman Thaha, Monday (12/8/2024).

If Tamsil Linrung is not immediately inaugurated, this member of the MPR RI Review Board from the DPD Group believes that wild issues will emerge that will actually harm Bamsoet’s dignity and honor as the leader of a high state institution.

DPD RI member Abdul Rachman Thaha (ART) urged MPR RI Chairman Bambang Soesatyo (Bamsoet) to immediately hold the inauguration of Tamsil Linrung as deputy chairman of the MPR.

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