About 300 people eat grapes in front of the PSOE headquarters in Ferraz in protest against the amnesty

by time news

2024-01-01 02:44:58

The Revuelta organization has gathered several hundred people to drink grapes in front of the PSOE headquarters on Madrid’s Ferraz street.

Some 300 people supported a call tonight to take grapes near the federal headquarters of the PSOE on Ferraz Street in Madrid in protest of the amnesty, according to sources from the Government Delegation in Madrid.

Two months after the protests over the amnesty law began, the resisters celebrated the beginning of the new year with a street party. To do this, they have carried out a “crowfounding” that has raised more than 9,400 euros with which they have financed a 12-meter LED screen to follow the chimes live and hire a DJ who will liven up the party. Several businessmen have donated about 600 packages of grapes for the attendees.

Before 1 in the morning, no incident had occurred and no arrests had been made, the same sources explained to EFE shortly before 1 in the morning.

Despite the publicity of the event spread on networks by the Revuelta organization a few days ago, the maximum number of attendees was about three hundred people, although a larger response was expected.

In fact, they have broadcast the protest on YouTube, which took place in a festive atmosphere.

The person who organized the fundraiser is identified by the name of Antonio Martínez, as can be seen on the website, and did so on behalf of ASOMA Spain, although no further details are given, reports Ep.

In the statement of reasons for carrying out the collection, Antonio Martínez, who says he is 58 years old, praises the “fervor and energy” of Revuelta to “unify ideals, convene without labels and unite around a common purpose.” For him, the “grapes in Ferraz” initiative represents “unity, hope and the firm conviction that together, as a community, they can generate significant changes.”

Leaders and officials of Vox, including its leader, Santiago Abascal, have supported and called to support the protests in front of the PSOE headquarters on Madrid’s Ferraz street, where riots have been reported for several days. Although at first they were massive, they have been losing strength and attendees.

In fact, the number of participants during New Year’s Eve has been in line with the monitoring that this rally has had in recent weeks, which has been called every night in front of the socialist headquarters for two months.

The Municipal Police of Madrid has prevented the organizers of tonight’s event from “putting their trucks” in Ferraz for the assembly they wanted to organize to celebrate the chimes, as reported by the organizers on the social network X.

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