Academician Marov spoke about the formation of the solar system: there are ten Mars around the star

by time news

2023-10-13 09:44:27


Scientist reveals the secret of oligarchy in planetary science

At the initial stage, about a dozen planets the size of Mars could fly around the Sun. Scientists have discovered a super-Earth that orbits its star in… a week. He spoke about this and much more last week at a ceremonial meeting at the Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences. IN AND. Vernadsky (GEOKHI) Mikhail Yakovlevich Marov.

Help “MK”. Mikhail Yakovlevich Marov is an outstanding Soviet and Russian scientist in the field of mechanics and physics of space. He is the head of the planetary research department of GEOKHI RAS.

The academician gave a scientific report “Planetary cosmogony: a modern view,” highlighting some sensational discoveries in this area.

Help “MK”. Cosmogony is a branch of science that includes astrophysics, cosmochemistry, computational mathematics and observational astronomy.

According to Mikhail Marov, in general we are talking about reconstructing the process of the origin of planetary systems based on modern observational data. The scientist has been and continues to study this topic for the past 30 years. His research group includes employees of the Institute of Applied Mathematics. Keldysh and the Institute of Physics of the Earth RAS.

This is what the artist imagines the surface of a hot planet to look like, revolving around its star in a week. Photo: Still from video

The scientist reminded the audience that the source of the processes that lead to the formation of a planetary system are gas-dust protoplanetary disks around stars.

“Planets are a side process of stellar evolution; they are formed from stars of a late spectral class, that is, stars with a not very high surface temperature,” the academician noted.

According to him, more than 5 thousand exoplanets (planets existing outside the solar system) have now been discovered, 2/3 of which are part of their planetary systems, that is, they are not alone. Among them, bodies with sizes between Jupiter and Earth predominate. And despite the fact that many of the exoplanets resemble ours and are in the habitable zone, among other solar systems there has not yet been found one that even approximately resembles our solar system.

“There are planets very close to their star,” says Mikhail Marov. – If our Earth makes a revolution around the Sun in one year, then, for example, a supergiant has been discovered that resembles our Jupiter, the period of rotation of which around its sun is less than a week! It is absolutely clear that at such a distance the planet can heat up to 1.5 thousand degrees on the surface.

Against the backdrop of the dissimilarity of other “worlds” to ours, the recent discovery of eight planets in the TRAPPIST-1 star system became a kind of sensation, according to the speaker. It is located in the constellation Aquarius at a distance of 39.5 light years from the Sun. There are Earth-like bodies there that may have moderate climatic characteristics, which opens up a wide field of research for astrobiology, that is, in essence, the search for life.

Planetary system TRAPPIST-1 Photo: Still from video

Returning to our Solar system, Marov noted that at the initial stage of its development it could have had a slightly different configuration than it does now:

– For example, 10 planets like Mars could revolve around it, but later it came to the one we have today. <...> We assumed that impacts and collisions occur not between individual particles in the disk itself, but at the level of condensations – dust clusters.

According to the researcher, the new physics of the formation of planetary embryos lies in the oligarchic growth of planetesimals – celestial bodies in orbit around a protostar. They are formed as a result of gradual “absorption,” that is, the accretion of smaller bodies.

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