“Access to a free and uncensored internet is vital”

by time news

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Twitter has been heavily disrupted, even blocked in the country, complicating relief operations. Restored, the service still appears fragile.

Par Guillaume Grallet

Illustrative image of an internet shutdown.(C) Flickr/Creative commons
Illustrative image of an internet shutdown.© Flickr/Creative commons
© Flickr/Creative Commons

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AAfter the earthquake, censorship? On February 8, when the catastrophic health situation made relief operations absolutely essential on the ground, Twitter was made inaccessible over a large part of the country, noted several non-governmental organizations such as the Open Observatory, Nothing2Hide or even Netblocks. org. As a result, the number of use of VPNs has literally exploded on the spot. A VPN (the acronym for “virtual private network”) is a technology that connects a computer, smartphone or tablet to a server via a “tunnel” that encrypts your data. In particular, this allows you to hide your real IP address (we don’t know where you are connecting from) as well as to prevent your Internet service provider from seeing…

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