Actor Yuri Demich would have turned 75

by time news

2023-08-17 18:06:26

On August 18, actor Yuri Demich would have turned 75 years old. His career in theater and cinema evolved rapidly. He could have reached unprecedented heights, but his life was cut short at 42.

One of the paintings in which he starred as the scientist Krymov is called “Gone on takeoff.” These words apply to the actor himself. On December 24, 1990, he became ill, began to bleed heavily. The ambulance arrived 40 minutes later. It was not possible to save him.

Yuri Demich was born into a theatrical family, but in a place where there was little conducive to art. His father is an actor of the Theater. Yermolova Alexander Demich – served time in Magadan from the terrible 1937. There Yuri was born. Later, the family settled in Kuibyshev, and the younger Demich entered the studio at the local drama theater and appeared on its stage during his studies. He replayed an excellent classical repertoire, roles desired by any actor, up to Hamlet. It was that rare case when the tragic and comedic repertoire was given with brilliance – from Shakespeare to Ostrovsky. After the tour of the Kuibyshev Theater in Leningrad in 1973, the head of the BDT, Georgy Tovstonogov, invited a talented actor to join the troupe.

In the BDT, Yuri Demich played one role better than the other. The need for a young hero in any theater is great at all times. And Demich filled this niche. He immediately began to play in the performances of Tovstonogov: Pashka in Vampilov’s play “Last Summer in Chulimsk”, Zhenya Tulupov in the legendary “Three Bags of Weed Wheat” based on Tendryakov’s prose, Mikhail Koshevoy in The Quiet Don, Vlas in Gorky’s Summer Residents ”, Vaska Pepla – in “At the Bottom”, Lenya Shyndina – in “We, the Undersigned” based on the play by Gelman … People from different cities came to the performances that thundered throughout the country. The fans didn’t give up. Demich worked at the BDT at the height of the theater and became a part of it. He was very modern and social, even if he became the hero of classical plays. He was introduced to the hit of the theater – Shukshin’s “Energetic People” for the role of Snub-nosed, which was also played by the future artistic director of the group, Kirill Lavrov.

Film career also developed successfully. Demich had masculine charisma. He played in Lenfilm’s films “First Joys” and “Unusual Summer”, Grigory Nikulin – according to Konstantin Fedin, Kirill Izvekov. And Sergey Ovcharov invited him to play the role of Gloomy-Burcheev in the phantasmagoric “It” based on the “History of a City” by Saltykov-Shchedrin. In the “Emergency of the District Scale” based on the story by Yuri Polyakov, Demich played the secretary of the city committee of the Komsomol Okolotkov. He worked in “Prohindiad, or Running on the Spot” with Viktor Tregubovich, met on the set with the unique director Vitaly Melnikov in the film “Marry the Captain”, worked with the then young director Sergei Selyanov on “Spiritual Day” …

Early death was like lightning. No one could have imagined that this would happen, but it happened, which is not such a rarity for actors teetering on the fine line …

Tatyana Kiseleva

Famous Russian cameraman Sergei Astakhov (“Brother”, “Brother-2”, “War”) shared his memories of Yuri Demich with MK

We weren’t close friends with him. It’s just that he starred in two films with me – in “Breakthrough” (where he played the Komsomol leader) and in “Spiritual Day”. But we had a good relationship: we laughed together, joked. When the filming of Spirit of the Day ended, he left, said goodbye, closed the door, but suddenly appeared and said a joke in the end (unfortunately, unprintable. – I.V.). He told, he laughed and disappeared.

– What was Yuri Alexandrovich like on the site, how did he look in the frame?

– In the frame, he was natural and organic. I consider him a very good actor. It was very pleasant to work with him – as a cameraman I don’t give corrections so much, but it was clear: you give him corrections – he performs them, I saw his reaction to the director giving him tasks. First of all, you need to talk about him as a professional.

– Why was Yuri Demich chosen to play the role of deputy head of the fictional Lenmetrostroy in the disaster film about the flooding of the Leningrad subway?

– I didn’t like Komsomol workers at that time either – this was common. Therefore, they specifically chose a very charming actor who would not play directly, in the sense of visually, a scoundrel, but a nice person who knocked and so on. Character with a double bottom. The director went from the opposite – the sweetness was supposed to be negative.

At the audition, Demich asked:

– What should I do?

Dmitry Svetozarov to him:

– How do you explain who you play? You are just such a jerk.

Demic says:

– I can’t do it.

Mitya literally opened her mouth in surprise: “How can it not work?”

– I immediately destroy the image of nits – you just have to smile.

Whether this was a joke, or whether it was true, I don’t know. But I guess he meant it in all seriousness.

– Could Yuri Demich have had a different fate? Could you make friends?

He was five years older than me. Post-war generation – so there was no special border between us. He did die young, though. And so he could become a great actor.

Ivan Volosyuk

Published in the newspaper “Moskovsky Komsomolets” No. 29095 dated August 18, 2023

Newspaper headline: Fly away

#Actor #Yuri #Demich #turned

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