Actors and relatives fire Juan Diego: “We are grandchildren of a legendary saga that has been orphaned”

by time news
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  • Obituary Juan Diego, the most committed broken and red voice in Spanish cinema

Actors, relatives and citizens are visiting, throughout the morning, the ardent chapel installed in the Spanish Theater in tribute to the actor Juan Diegowhere the signs of affection and respect have been repeated for a figure who, in the words of Javier Camara, was “son of legends” and leaves a generation that is now “orphaned”.

“He was a member of a family that is ending, of that saga of the sixties that has marked us all and we are all lacking in that family. He is one of the last members of his family, a guy who shone alongside legendary people He is, therefore, the son of those legends, and we are the grandchildren and now we have to remain orphans and fulfill his legacy: great commitment to his profession and the group”, has highlighted to the media during his visit to the burning chapel.

The Chamber has added that the death of Juan Diego is felt by “everyone very much” in reference to “the entire profession and many people” since, as he recalled, “he was an incredible, fascinating person, not only as an actor, but also how to be committed to your profession, with the people. And he was a very brilliant guy on the set, really,” he added.

“He was a great and good guy, well, you only have to see the love we have for him and the example he has left,” said Camara, who did not want to remember “many” anecdotes lived together with Juan Diego. “I will tell them some day, when a few months have passed”, she has added since, as she has assured, he was “a guy who behaved brilliantly, brilliantly and generously on the set”.

Camera has also recalled that they were in contact because they shared a representative (Paloma Juanes) and they knew that “he was a little more pachucho, but not that it was going to be that fast”. “Juan had many lives, he has been a guy who has lived life in a very powerful way, a great guy,” he emphasized.

Emotional farewell to actor Juan Diego after his deathTHE WORLD

About his career, he has highlighted his great curriculum and, beyond ‘The Holy Innocents’where he achieved his first big role, has alluded to ‘bikes are for summer‘ o ‘The Stunned King’, in summary, “wonderful films he has made alongside great masters”Not forgetting the theatre.

Precisely his co-star in ‘The Stunned King’,Gabino Diego also wanted to pay tribute to Juan Diego, whom he has described as “a friend, a great companion, a great actor and a very generous person”. “We all learned a lot from him”, he has acknowledged.

In line with Camera, he has highlighted that he was part of “a generation of actors that no longer exists but we have to move on and keep creating and keep remembering Juan”which he has specified, to say goodbye at the theater with the function this Friday, as he could not do it in person.

For its part, Emilio Gutiérrez Caba He has remembered some of the projects they shared, since he had known Juan Diego all his life. “Saying goodbye is a bit like saying goodbye to oneself. It has been terrible news”, confessed the also president of AISGE, applauded when he arrived at the Theater, where he recalled that Juan Diego “had his share of humor” and he was “an excellent colleague” with whom he “never” had a professional problem.

Meanwhile, Carmelo Gómez has described Juan Diego as “the greatest actor” he has ever met, on stage or in front of the cameras. “Take a long time to be born, if such a clear Andalusian is born, so rich in adventure. I sing his elegance with words that moan “, she has affirmed, citing Lorca’s poem.

Gmez has joked about the fact that he was an Andalusian who “always wanted to live in Madrid” and that he is committed “to everything and everyone, with enormous empathy and many contradictions” and has lamented that his death “has been in solitude” . In any case, he has stressed that he had “a role in his hand until the last moment, He was a hard worker with a natural talent.”.

Along the same lines, an emotional Echanove has expressed himself, for whom “Juan Diego was a first actor, and among the first actors for me the greatest”. On his impact on the profession, he has argued that the dot of “dignity, class consciousness and taught the importance, beyond color, of interpreting”.

The actor Xavier C.
The actor Javier Camara upon his arrival at the funeral chapel of the actor Juan DiegoJ.J.GUILLNEFE

“The memory is so vivid that his films are worthless to me. Thanks to the fact that at one point Juan Diego decided to look at me and become an actor, thanks to that I live and now that he’s gone, that’s why I live and that’s why I’m going to enter theaters with the dignity that he taught me”, added Echanove, who underlined that the actor “until the last moment was clinging to life”. “All those who have been lucky enough to come across him enjoy a better life“, It is finished.

“Coming to this is terrible, it has been a stick”, has recognized the actor Fernando Chinarro for his part, for whom the deceased was “a wonderful person and one of the greatest actors”. “Juan, we love you”, he concluded excitedly.


Other faces known as Ana Beln, Victor Manuel, Pastora Vega or director Natalia Menndezin addition to other figures on the national scene such as the CCOO general secretary, Unai Sordo, for whom Juan Diego was “one of the greats of the Spanish scene.”

“A magnificent actor in film and theater who has left one of the most powerful performances on the Spanish scene”, has remembered. Regarding his commitment, Sordo has highlighted that he was a “key” figure in the strike of actors and actresses of 1975 and that he always made a show of having joined CCOO”. “He was an artist committed to the society with which he lived: we are sad and we have come to show our respect and consideration for his career”, he concluded.

His older son, Adn Ruz, has thanked the media for the coverage that he has described as “respectful”. “I think my father would also be happy with the coverage you have done”Ruz, who has thanked on behalf of the family, has indicated that a private ceremony will be held in El Escorial (Madrid).

Actor Emilio Guti
The actor Emilio Gutirrez Caba makes statements to the media toJ.J GUILLNEFE

A continuous trickle of citizens is passing through the funeral chapel that has been located since 10:30 am in the main hall of the Spanish Theater in tribute to the actor Juan Diego, who died this Thursday at the age of 79. The stage has been decorated with projections of his photos and numerous wreaths and bouquets in his honor.

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