Actress Itziar Castro dies at 46

by time news

2023-12-08 22:08:12

Mourning in the world of cinema. The Catalan actress Itziar Castro has died suddenly at the age of 46. «I am myself with all its consequences. I’m not hiding anywhere. “Either you love me or you hate me, there is no middle ground,” Itziar Castro concluded, in an interview given to EL CORREO four years ago. The Catalan actress was in Bilbao for the presentation of the science fiction short ‘Flotando’, of which she was casting director and associate producer. That same summer, she planned to go to Mérida to act in ‘The Court of the Pharaoh’ and she was clear that she could not waste a day of her life. «In this profession you do everything except kill. Now I am reaping the fruits of almost two decades of sowing.

All her desires and ambitions faded in the early hours of this Friday, when she died of a heart attack in the indoor pool of a hotel in Lloret de Mar. She was immersed in rehearsing a synchronized swimming show, promoted by the Kallipolis club, directed by former swimmer Anna Tarrés. She was accompanied by those responsible for the lighting tests who, as soon as they saw that the actress was starting to feel bad, did not take long to call her 112. The emergency medical doctors tried to revive her in vain.

At the moment, the causes of his death are unknown, but everything indicates that he may have suffered cardiac arrest. This possibility has been confirmed to EFE by the director of his representation agency, Gabriela Defty, who has indicated that although the cause of death is currently unknown, “everything indicates heart failure.”

«She was not only a talented actress and artist, but a tireless fighter for her ideals and beliefs. She faced every challenge with a determination and courage that inspired many. “Her contribution to the art world and her tireless work for equality and social justice will remain a lasting legacy of her passion and commitment,” said the message sent to the media by the agency, Bedelka Talent. , which represented the artist. She had a very early vocation, as a teenager she already stood out in the amateur theater companies of the Barcelona town of Corbera de Llobregat. At that time she did ballet and practiced tennis. Her professional debut was in the musical ‘Peter Pan’, in a production premiered in Barcelona, ​​and she reaffirmed her passion. At 20 years old she had no problem with her image. She was neither fat nor thin. She wore size 40.

Love for Euskadi

He always felt good in his body, even when he started to gain weight. She didn’t care that the entertainment industry saw her as a figure outside of her canons. She felt comfortable making a difference. She could do drama, comedy, horror, circus, cabaret… she made the apparent disadvantage the strength of her life. Woman, lesbian and obese, she dreamed of starring in a romantic film like those of Julia Roberts. She was an actress above all.

Bilbao filmmakers loved her very much. Pablo Berger included her in the cast of ‘Snow White’ (2012) and Álex de la Lglesia signed her for ‘The Witches of Zugarramurdi’ (2013). Later, she was nominated for a Goya for Best New Actress for ‘Pieles’ (2017), by Eduardo Casanova, and on the small screen she became very popular with the series ‘Vis a vis’. She was also noted for her time in ‘Operación Triunfo’, where she served as an acting teacher until she was unexpectedly fired to be replaced by the Javis. She claimed that she “didn’t meet targets,” an excuse that no one took seriously. Much less her. She only had one obsession: to give her best.

He had as an example his mother, Lucía, a woman of character who taught him not to live dependent on other people’s opinions. «She was born in 1942, in a Galician village, with very brutal oppression and many prejudices. As a child they called her ‘monster’ because she had an angioma on her face. That marks, that’s why she educated me in strength », Itziar Castro used to repeat. At home no one put their hands on their heads because she was a lesbian or she weighed more than 130 kilos. She owes a lot to her mother, including her name. Her name is Itziar in homage to her mother’s best friend, who worked at the now-defunct Jolastoki restaurant in Getxo. Part of the family lives in San Sebastián and whenever she could the Catalan actress went to visit. This week there are many admirers who are in mourning in Euskadi.

His last post on Instagram

His last public appearance was less than a week ago, at the funeral chapel of the deceased Concha Velasco. Her heartfelt tribute to the actress was, in fact, her last publication on Instagram, a social network in which she was very active. Nothing predicted this tragic end for the actress, who a few hours ago was still active on her X profile.

Likewise, on Instagram he had published a few hours ago his participation in an event next Sunday.

Itziar Castro stood out for being a woman without complexes. Her obesity was not a problem for him nor did it scare him: “I know that obesity is unhealthy, but they give me all the perfect tests. Of course, whatever I do, even if I die because a car hits me, they will always say it’s because I’m fat,” she said in an interview published by this newspaper in 2020.

«They say that by being happy I am advocating obesity, and that obesity kills. Smoking and unhealthy eating also kill. I have a model friend, beautiful, who has cholesterol, her lungs are terrible, she doesn’t stop smoking… If we took a photo together, they would say that I am the insane one,” she added. She was Catalan from a Galician family, “with a Basque name and a guiri face”, that was how the interpreter defined herself at the time, and she confessed to also being very optimistic and feeling satisfied for having achieved her “dream”.

Likewise, Itziar showed on countless occasions her commitment to the feminist struggle and the rights of the LGTBI+ collective, being a true champion of diversity. In fact, this summer, she did not hesitate to jump onto the Gay Pride stage in Madrid topless to show her support for the singer Rocío Saiz, who was forced to wear a t-shirt to continue her performance in Murcia for showing her breasts. in the air.

#Actress #Itziar #Castro #dies

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