Ada D’Adamo and Paolo Chiesa on a bridge to the USA

by time news

2023-12-04 12:29:47 – The winners of the eighth edition of The Bridge literary prize for the categories of Italian and American fiction and non-fiction have been announced and will be officially proclaimed on December 5th at 5.30pm at the Centro Studi Americani in Rome. Winning the award in 2023 are Ada D’Adamo with Come d’aria (Elliot) for fiction and Paolo Chiesa with Marckalada. When America Had Another Name (Laterza) for Nonfiction; Isabella Hammad with Enter Ghost (Grove Atlantic) for fiction and Alison Cornish with Believing in Dante: Truth in fiction (Cambridge University Press) for non-fiction their American counterparts.

The Award consists of a contribution to the costs of translation from Italian into English and vice versa and intends to promote knowledge and encourage the reading of some of the best and most recent publications of the two countries, as well as the diffusion of our language by encouraging its circulation in the American publishing and academic world. The Bridge is conceived and curated by Maria Ida Gaeta who has organized it since its inception with the collaboration of Maria Gliozzi. The Italian Cultural Institute of New York and the Unified Italian Writers’ Federation (FUIS) are currently the main and fundamental supporters of the Award, with the collaboration of the American Academy in Rome, the Center for American Studies in Rome and the Civitella Ranieri Foundation.

Over the years, the prize has been supported by the Embassy of the United States of America in Rome, the Center for Books and Reading of the Ministry for Cultural Heritage in Italy (CEPELL), the Center for Italian Modern Art (CIMA) in New York, the Italian Embassy and the Cultural Institute in Washington, the Italian Consulate General in New York, the Center For Fiction in NY and other Italian and American cultural institutions and universities.

In the month of April 2024 in the Big Apple all the winners will be the protagonists of a meeting dedicated to the Award as part of the Multipli Forti Festival promoted by the Italian Cultural Institute of New York in collaboration with Fuis and with the artistic direction of Maria Ida Gaeta. On this occasion, the nominations for The Bridge 2024 will be announced.

#Ada #DAdamo #Paolo #Chiesa #bridge #USA

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