Adding International Astronaut to Enhance U.S. Space Partnerships: Artemis III Mission Details

by time news

French Astronaut Could Join NASA’s Artemis III Mission

NASA’s Artemis III mission, which is scheduled for December 2025, could see the addition of an international astronaut, potentially from France. This move is seen as a step to enhance international partnerships and cooperation in space.

According to independent space analyst Benjamin Silverstein, adding an international astronaut to the mission could improve how the U.S. and its partners work together in space and could also help in resolving unintended interference.

The possibility of a French astronaut joining the mission was hinted at by French President Emmanuel Macron during a meeting with Vice President Kamala Harris at NASA headquarters last year. Macron proposed Thomas Pesquet, a 44-year-old astronaut who has been to the International Space Station twice, as a candidate for the Artemis III mission.

The Artemis program aims to land the first woman and the first person of color on the moon. However, a report from the Government Accountability Office has raised the possibility of the mission being delayed until 2027.

It is expected that the European Space Agency (ESA) will play a significant role in the Artemis III mission, as it already provides propulsion modules for the Artemis missions. The ESA’s involvement in the mission is part of a barter deal that secures seats on manned space missions for ESA astronauts.

The announcement of the potential addition of an international astronaut to the Artemis III mission is expected to be made by Vice President Harris, who also serves as the chair of the space council, in front of representatives from the 33 countries that have signed on to NASA’s Artemis Accords, a nonbinding framework outlining peaceful practices in orbit.

The move to include an international astronaut in the Artemis III mission is seen as part of NASA’s efforts to bolster its international partnerships and counter China’s International Lunar Research Station project, which aims to build a permanent base on the moon with the support of several countries.

Overall, the inclusion of an international astronaut in the Artemis III mission could mark a significant milestone in international space cooperation and collaboration.

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