African professionals enter the arena of (…) – Gabonews

by time news

2023-07-03 09:43:29

African professionals enter the arena of the African Continental Free Trade Area (ZLECAf)

July 3, 2023

The members of the General Assembly of the African Professional Union-ZLECAf met on May 25, 2023 (online and via zoom) to elect the first members of its Executive Board.

At the end of an open and free ballot, the Office of the Professional African Union ZLECAf is chaired by theLawyer Mamadou Ismaila KONATEFormer Keeper of the Seals of Mali, Minister of Justice.

Dr. Beauclair NJOYA NKAMGAConsultant – Expert in Customs, Foreign Exchange, Investment and ZLECAf, of Cameroonian nationality, is elected Permanent Secretary.

Five vice-presidents, distributed in five RECs of the ZLECAf were elected. It is :

Pour I’UMA :

Dr. Sally El SAWAHEsq., ICC Commission on Arbitration & ADR, Qualified Lawyer in France & Egypt and Registered Foreign Lawyer in England and Wale, Co-founder & Head of Arbitration & Litigation of Junction Paris and Cairo ;

Pour la CEDEAO : Mrs. FOLASHADE Alli, Esq., Chartered Arbitror, Member ICC Commission on Arbitration and ADR, Chairman of the Nigerian Bar Association

Section on Legal Practice Professional Ethics Committee ;

For ECCAS Pr. René NJEUFACK TEMGWA, University Professor;

Consultant, Arbitrator;

Pour la SADC : Mr. Gregory GOELLER, Risk management and Financial Services Specialist, Director Anchor Point Risk ;

For the EAC: Dr. Jean Baptiste HARELIMANA, President of the African Academy of International Law Practice, Lawyer, Former Coordinator of the Africa World Institute.

Five Advisors – In charge of specific missions have been appointed:

Adviser – Head of Missions for Political, Diplomatic and Protocol Affairs: HE Mrs. Laure Olga GONDJOUTFormer Minister of Foreign Affairs, Former Advisor for African and International Affairs, Former Minister of Communication, Posts and Telecommunications and New Technologies;

Adviser – Head of Trade, Brands and Services Missions: Me Didier Lebon,

Expert in international trade, Lawyer, International arbitrator, Teacher [email protected]

Advisor – Head of ZLECAf, Partnership and Local Law Missions: M. Modibo Mao

President & Managing Director IBS Mali, Coordinator Unit of Public-Private Partnerships of the Government of Mali;

Advisor-Charge of Legal, Regulatory Affairs, Dispute Resolution and Compliance: Me Yayé MOUNKAILAFormer President of Niger

Adviser – In charge of Prospective Studies and Prospects, Capacity Building: Dr. Aliou NIANG, Certificate in WTO Law and Trade Dispute Settlement, Political Expert and International Trade Negotiations; Trade and Regional Integration Expert, Consultant;

Adviser- Responsible for Missions, Gender, Youth, Heritage, Traditions, Values ​​and African Customs: Mme Aissata LY, Sales Engineer and Entrepreneur, Promoter of the fashion house and clothing brand LY’A MODE; former car dealership salesperson

The African Professional Union-ZLECAf’s mission is :

-to work towards the achievement of the general and more specific objectives of the AfCFTA as set out in Articles 3 and 4 of the Agreement establishing the AfCFTA and, in particular, that of the creation of a single market for goods and services facilitated by the movement of people, in order to deepen the economic integration of the African continent in line with the Pan-African vision of a “ Integrated, prosperous and peaceful Africa as set out in Agenda 2063

-to ensure the promotion and development of the AfCFTA throughout the continent and even outside the continent,

-to create the framework for the participation of all the professionals concerned by ZLECAf, members or not of the Association;

-to provide institutional support to the bodies, bodies and structures of the ZLECAf, the African Union and the States parties to the ZLECAf on any subject or project related to the ZLECAf;

– the promotion and defense of the objectives, principles and values ​​of the AfCFTA and the professional development and international exchange of information and ideas on the AfCFTA;

– the defense of the independence and freedom of professionals and experts working in the fields of the Agreement and the legal instruments of the ZLECAf in the world;

-to strengthen friendship, collegiality, professionalism and networking among its members.

The head office of UAP-ZLECAf is located in Port-Louis in Mauritius.

The languages ​​spoken at UAP-ZLECAf are: English, Arabic, Spanish, French, Portuguese and Swahili.

The communication service of the UAP- ZLECAf

E. : [email protected]

#African #professionals #enter #arena #Gabonews

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