After 52 years, Queen Margaret II of Denmark announced that she abdicated the throne

by time news

2024-01-01 02:58:00

The Queen Margaret II of Denmark announced this Sunday in his annual speech New Year what He will abdicate on January 14 after 52 years on the throne and who will be succeeded by his eldest son, the Crown Prince Frederick.

The queen, of 83 years and who acceded to the throne in 1972, is the Europe’s longest-lived monarch after the death of Isabel II in September 2022, who was her distant cousin. Furthermore, she is currently the only female European monarch. In February she had successful back surgery. In any case, her message generated a lot of surprise in the country.

The queen is 83 years old and acceded to the throne in 1972. PHOTO: AFP

“Naturally, the operation made me think about the future, about whether the time had come to hand over responsibility to the next generation,” he said in his traditional televised message.

“I have decided that now is the right time. On January 14, 2024, 52 years after succeeding my beloved father, I will leave the throne of Denmark (…) I leave the throne to my son, the crown prince,” he said. .

She will be succeeded by her eldest son, Crown Prince Frederick. PHOTO: AFP

In Denmark, the Formal power resides in the elected Parliament and its government. It is expected that the monarchs stay out of partisan politicsrepresenting the nation with traditional functions ranging from state visits to national day celebrations.

Who is Margaret II of Denmark, the only queen elected by vote

Born in 1940, Margarita has enjoyed extensive support from the Danes throughout her life.

The popular monarch, widow since 2018, had defended on several occasions that she would not abdicate and would remain queen until her death. But she now justified her decision on her health problems.

The royal family of Denmark. PHOTO: AFP

In February, she underwent surgery on her back that kept her away from public life until April, the agency reported. AFP.

More than 80% of Danes say they support the monarchy and crowds celebrated their 50th anniversary jubilee last year..

Margaret II of Denmark, a “very unpolitical” queen

“Many of us have never met another monarch. Queen Margaret is the very incarnation of Denmark and, over the years, has put words and feelings into who we are as a people and as a nation,” the prime minister reacted. Mette Frederiksen it’s a statement.

In February she underwent successful back surgery. PHOTO: AFP

Margaret II represents a very popular figure in Denmark, since “It is very unpolitical and unites the nation instead of dividing it.“he explained to the AFP historian Lars Hovebakke Sorensen in 2022 during the commemoration of the 50th anniversary of his reign.

“She has managed to be a queen who kept the Danish nation united in a period of many changes: globalization, the culmination of a multicultural society, economic crises (…) and the covid-19 pandemic,” added Hovebakke Sorensen.

The life of Queen Margaret II of Denmark

Queen Margaret II of Denmark. PHOTO: AFP

Born on April 16, 1940, Margarita worked during her youth as dressmaker and set designer and in 1981 he translated the book “All men are mortal” by the French intellectual Simone de Beauvoir into Danish.

The Queen of Denmark designed the costumes and sets for a new Netflix film

He also dedicated himself to drawing and In 2002 he illustrated a reissue of the well-known saga “The Lord of the Rings” by JRR Tolkien.

Who is Crown Prince Frederick

Despite the shadow of his mother, Crown Prince Frederick, 55 years oldachievement cultivate a good image and currently has the 80% sympathy of Danes, according to polls.

Passionate about the fight against climate change, he embodies the image of a modern monarchy.

Prince Frederick and his wife Princess Mary of Denmark. PHOTO: AFP

“When the time comes, I will take charge of the ship,” Federico had promised during the 50th anniversary of his mother’s reign.

“I will succeed you, as you did with your father and as Christian (the queen’s grandson) will do with me,” he added during that commemoration.


#years #Queen #Margaret #Denmark #announced #abdicated #throne

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