After Banning Incentive Filters: How Will Meta Handle the Wave of Demand for Beautiful Faces in the Augmented World?

by time news

In October of 2021, Facebook announced a paradigm shift, as it changed its name to Meta and decided to enter its full weight in the field of virtual and augmented reality, through a future version of the Internet called metaverse. In fact, the strategy has been taking shape gradually over several years, with the help of what appears to be a mere Instagram prank feature. Facial filters that add dog ears to a facial hairline or make lips appear larger rely on a complex technical infrastructure for virtual and augmented reality, which the company that owns Instagram and WhatsApp has adopted to support these effects. Thousands of producers have contributed free filters, and millions of people around the world who use this feature daily provide massive amounts of data to Meta. Read also: 6 successful ways to invest in the world of metaverse Aesthetic standards that social media platforms contribute to narrowing down and research has found

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