After more than a year: Can you identify who the model is who returned to visit her homeland?

by time news

A little over a year ago, just after her release from the IDF, Erza the model Sophia Machtner Paklaot, and flew to New York in order to promote her international career. During her stay overseas she achieved impressive results, picking up desirable campaigns for international super brands such as Tommy Hilfiger, Zara and Urban Outfits, but she lost a great love because the distance led to a separation from her partner Tomer Talias who remained here in Israel and broke up with the model colleague Niver Madar.

This morning Machtner was caught on camera in Israel after landing in Israel for a national vacation, here she plans to celebrate her 22nd birthday together with her associates and family members, as well as the New Year’s celebrations. So for all those interested, the beautiful model is still single, and there is You have exactly one month to try your luck, because at the end of the New Year celebrations, she will get back on a flight to the USA to continue promoting her modeling career in the international arena.

Sophia Machtner (Photo: Yehats)
Sophia Machtner (Photo: Yehats)Sophia Machtner (Photo: Yehats)

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