Against Russian invasion: “Pray for soldiers as for your children” – Politics abroad

by time news

Lyudmilla, 43, kneels on the stone floor of the Jesuit Catholic Cathedral in Lviv, western Ukraine (built in 1610), and clasps her hands fervently in prayer. She looks at the crucified Jesus and hopes that her country can somehow survive Russia’s brutal war of aggression.

Later she says: “I prayed for everything, for myself, for the family, for peace. For people not dying anymore, both our people and those on the other side.”

Lviv in western Ukraine has become a bottleneck on the way to Poland. Hundreds of thousands of refugees, almost exclusively women and children, find shelter here and then continue on their way to safety.

An acolyte waves incense, many sing along to the church melodies of the choir, it is very crowded. The ceremony gives them strength in these dark times, when Vladimir Putin’s army is covering the east of the country with fire and death, and two million Ukrainians are on the run.

Soldier: “Go and kill her”

After the faithful have sung a hymn, soldier Olexandra (53) lights some candles and puts them in a bowl of sand.

Photo: To Biermann

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Olexandra (53) prays to her god for a peace in Ukraine that will keep her country freePhoto: To Biermann

In front of the church she says: “Everything happened unexpectedly. We urgently need bulletproof vests and bandages. The latter is almost impossible to get, and we desperately need it. We thank the volunteers and God for providing us and the military units with food.”

Olexandra erzählt vor der Kathedrale, was sie bewegtPhoto: To Biermann

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In front of the cathedral, Olexandra talks about what moves herPhoto: To Biermann

Tears come to her eyes as she speaks: “I also have a little grandson and I can’t see little children dying, being mutilated. I believe in God, I go to church. I know killing is forbidden. But I say go and kill them, don’t capture them. They didn’t ask our children, they wanted to live, nobody has the right to take other people’s lives.”

Olexandra hopes for a win. And believes it will be expensive. “We’ll definitely win, there’s no doubt about that, but the price we’re paying is too high. Negotiations will not work, there is no one to negotiate with.”

“Arm with Weapons of Light”

The preacher, Bishop Stepan Sus (41), says in his liturgy: “But despite this evil, despite the hatred, despite these wounds and everything that war brings, as mature people, as Christians, we must not give up, but must arm ourselves with weapons of light.”

Die uralte Zeremonie gibt den Gläubigen KraftPhoto: To Biermann

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The ancient ceremony gives strength to believersPhoto: To Biermann

Then he says: “Pray for our soldiers as a mother and father pray for their child. Honor of Ukraine.”

On one wall are photos of 140 killed Ukrainian soldiers. Christians also pray for these fallen. In front of it a bouquet of blue and yellow flowers in colors of the Ukrainian flag. Since the beginning of the war, 100,000 volunteers have volunteered for the approximately 200,000-strong army. They don’t want to bow to the Russian occupiers.

Trauer-Altar für die GefallenenPhoto: To Biermann

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Mourning altar for the fallenPhoto: To Biermann

Lviv art student Yarena (22) often comes to church. Now she especially needs the strength she draws from it.

What does she say about Vladimir Putin, who publicly portrays himself as a great man of God, bombing civilians? “I don’t think he lives in the real world anymore. His actions are the opposite of Christianity. He’s not a believer.” Then she pauses and says, “I think we have to fight the battle on a spiritual level as well. Not just with blood and flesh.”

Yarena (22) will in Lemberg bleiben, so lange es gehtPhoto: To Biermann

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Yarena (22) wants to stay in Lemberg as long as possiblePhoto: To Biermann

Under the church are ancient vaults, a museum in times of peace. Lembergers rush here when the air raid sirens sound. They hope that Putin’s bombers would not aim at a church and then persevere among the exhibits.

On this Sunday, eleven days after the beginning of the war, many Lembergers are looking for consolation. So there are several sermons so that everyone gets their bread and butter.

Der Bischoff Stepan Sus (41) im Gespräch mit einer NonnePhoto: To Biermann

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Bishop Stepan Sus (41) in conversation with a nunPhoto: To Biermann

Between two sermons, Bischoff Sus told BILD: “If the Russians say they are Christians, they must end this war immediately. These are the commandments of God.”

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