Agoraphobia and anxiety: The secret dramas of Dalila Carmo, Cristina from the series ‘A Filha’ – Celebrities

by time news

Dalila Carmo, the 49-year-old actress who we have seen in the role of Cristina Aguilar, in the series ‘A Filha’, which ends tonight on TVI, went to Manuel Luís Goucha’s program and ended up making personal confessions, so she who avoids revealing his privacy.

In conversation with the popular presenter, Dalila Carmo confessed to being afraid of crowds and that she wants to escape places when she has to be at events: “Sometimes I suffer from the problem of making concessions. I feel cramped. When there are a lot of people I feel hot and I think there are a lot of people. At premieres and inaugurations there is a part of me that wants to go back to the placeto a mountain or to a waterfall”.

An only child, the actress explains that she still finds it difficult to let people into her universe and also talks about those who are her support network. “I’m an only child, wanting to have brothers. As a child, yes, but then we get used to creating a personal world”, she reveals, highlighting: “I may be alone but I feel very well accompanied. I have people around me who are extraordinary and who provide me with this network of affection, that foundation and they tell me: go, we are here. If you need to, whistle.”


“I’m a good companion to myself, but sometimes I neglect people and I ask them to forgive me for that. Sometimes I can’t be as attentive or work swallows me up. I’m an actress from the tip of my hair to the tip of my toe”, she confesses, warning about a professional drama that he has already faced: “There are many offers of easy money. Nowadays with the networks it’s tempting. It’s paid advertising, it’s the events. I make some compromises with things that I identify with. This is an unstable profession, we have precarious work and this desperation and This leads us to have friendships that would not be possible in another context”, he assures.

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